It has been identified that some clients that use the MYOB AccountRight API connection are receiving errors when performing integration steps - an example of the error is:
The MYOB community has identified this as a MYOB issue (see here and here) and MYOB has provided the following response to the community:
"We have developers confirming that getting the MYOB user to revoke access and then reauthorizing the API key; resolves the issue. At this stage we are not sure what actually caused this issue, but identity services are going through some changes which may have caused this issue. We will find out."
MYOB is yet to provide further information.
The following steps can be used to try and workaround the issue:
- Access needs to be revoked in the MYOB portal for the easyemployer application: (
- Example:
- Once done, open Easy Employer and perform the following steps:
- Click organisation
- Click organisation structure
- Click the payroll entity
- Click settings
- Click disconnect under MYOB AccountRight at the bottom
- Click connect and follow the prompts
- It will then take you back to the payroll entity settings, click "select organisation" and select the organisation from the list and save.
- Repeat for other payroll entities as required.
Once done, please try again.
If you continue to receive these errors, please reach out to