1) Overview
2) Create custom entities
Import / Export | Custom Entities
Custom Entities | Deactivate / Reactivate
Rosters | Gender Specific Shift Requirement
1) Overview
Custom entities are used to provide additional information to staff members on a rostered shift and are a highly customisable feature of Easy Employer. A custom entity could be but is not limited to: a service, client, vehicle or funding scheme. This article will cover how to add and setup a custom entity so they are displayed in the roster correctly.
NOTE: This article does not detail how to create a new custom entity type. To create new custom entity types, please contact the Easy Employer Support Desk.
Custom entities can be restricted to appear on a roster against a specific set of circumstances. During the initial setup of custom entities, users dictate the circumstances that each custom entity should be subject to. These restrictions are not permanent and can be changed as required.
2) Create custom entities
- Click Organisation.
- Select the custom entity (for this example "Clients" has been selected βthe principles demonstrated apply to any custom entity).
- The image below is the custom entity landing page. In this example, the list of 'clients' has been loaded and the search bar has been highlighted with a red outline. The search bar is useful for finding a specific custom entity from the list.
- Click Add (plus sign icon) on the right side of the page.
The Add Client popup windows displays. - Input the name of the new custom entity.
- Click Add.
- The new custom entity has been created but still needs to be setup.
Each custom entity can be setup to display the data that is relevant for that custom entity type. - Click the custom entity's name to access it (for this example "John Smith" has been selected).
- The page for the selected custom entity is displayed.
It has a sidebar with all the available subsections. - The first one (shown by default) is Details.
Click edit to change any field.
Each field is defined below:- Name - This field is used to assign a name to the custom entity. If the custom entity is a client, then the name would be the client's name. If this is a service, then the name would indicate the type of service to be delivered.
- Required gender - This field can be used to enforce a gender restriction if required (more information on this on the corresponding guide in the RELATED ARTICLES section).
- Country - The country where the custom entity is located.
- State - The state where the custom entity is located.
- Location - The address of the custom entity. This can be entered manually or a pin can be dropped on the map.
- Communicate address - If the custom entity address should be communicated to employees when communicating the roster.
- Manager notes - Additional information related to this custom entity. Visible to managers in the manage shift dialog.
- Roster notes - Additional information that is sent to users when the roster is published.
- Export code - Used to identify a custom entity type in an export.
- Cost centre code - Used to assign costs to an entity for reporting purposes.
- Job code - Used to designate a code for a job type for reporting purposes.
- Billing application settings - specific billing details for the selected custom entity, only the type is required.
- Custom entity colour - adds a colour to the custom entity to make it clearly identifiable*.
*The colour only shows in the new (React) roster, and only applies to custom entities set on shifts, not custom entities set on appointments.
- The next tab in the sidebar is Groups.
It displays the organisation structure and allows you to to link the custom entity to specific sites or areas of the Organisation.
The settings at the top of this section determine how the system uses your selections.
βPay special attention to these settings before making any selection.
Sections of the organisation structure can be set to be allowed / disallowed (colour coded: allowed = green / disallowed = red).
- Allowed means the custom entity is available for the role in the selected site or area (if the section is GREEN the custom entity will appear against that role).
- Disallowed means that the custom entity will not appear on the rosters against that role (if the section is RED the custom entity will not appear against the role).
- Click Save (right hand side and bottom of the page) to confirm the selection.
- The next tab is Users.
Select specific users (employees) that can have this custom entity type rostered against their shift.
Adding / removing users from this list prevents the custom entity from being assigned to that user's shift.- Allowed means the custom entity can be assigned to the user's shift (if the user name is GREEN the custom entity will appear against the user).
- Disallowed means that the custom entity cannot be assigned to the users shift (if the user name is RED the custom entity will not appear against the user).
- Click Save (right hand side of the page) to confirm the selection.
- The tabs below Users and above Abilities, are the custom entities types set up for the organisation. (In this example, the next tab is Clients and below it Services).
That is because custom entities can also be allowed / disallowed against their own and other custom entity types. This can be done to ensure that two custom entities of the same type do not appear on the same shift together.
Same colour coding applies as above: GREEN means they are able to be selected on the same shift while RED prevents them from appearing. - Click Save (right hand side of the page) to confirm the selection.
- Lastly, Abilities.
- Click Add to select from the list of abilities available.
You can also remove or edit linked abilities. - Check the custom entity has been set up correctly by navigate to a roster period.
Create a new shift and select the new custom entity from the appropriate section (multiple custom entities can be selected for a shift). - Once the shift is saved, the selected custom entity is displayed under the role.
Standard Roster
New (React) Roster