v3.52.0.15 - released

Release information

  • Version number: v3.52.0.15
  • Release status: released
  • Estimated release date: 09/01/2025 @ 4:00pm AEDT
  • Actual release date: 09/01/2025 @ 5:40pm AEDT

What is included

Item Feature Description
Roster suitability ranker and expired abilities Roster, abilities

In some rare cases, users were not being set as 0% suitable if their ability had expired and there was a required ability calculated for the shift.

This has now been resolved in this version.

Timesheet V1 costs missing on shift after approving. Timesheet V1

After approving a shift in some cases, the cost records of the shift disappeared so did not show in the payroll costs report - this did not affect exports to the payroll system. 

This has now been resolved in this version.

Shifts import not applying automating breaks Timesheet V1

When importing actual and roster shifts in the shifts import, and the roster shift has a break, and the rules are set to automatically generate the break based on the roster shift, the break was not generating in the timesheet shift.

This has now been resolved in this version.

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