Employee Guide | Login / Change Login Email

1) Overview
2) Log into Easy Employer
3) Change a login email



Employee Guide | Online Account Access


1) Overview

The login email is used as a username when accessing Easy Employer (EE).

The login email is important as it is the only way a user can access their account either through the web page or the mobile app. This can be changed to an email address that is easy to remember.

Another benefit is that users with multiple accounts can have a single email address to access all of their EE  accounts.



  • A user's login email can only be changed when logged in as the user. The Easy Employer Support Team, nor the immediate leader or employer can make this change for other users.
  • If an email has not been received and online access should have been granted, please contact your immediate leader or employer. The Easy Employer Support Team cannot grant online access to you. It needs to be done by your immediate leader or employer.


2) Log into Easy Employer

  1. Go to secure.easyemployer.com.
  2. Enter your email address (username) and your password.
  3. Click Login.


3) Change a login email

  1. To change a login email, click on your Initials on the upper right-hand side and click Profile.
  2. Click Password.
  3. The Login email section on this screen needs to be completed. Enter the new login email and the current password.
  4. Click Save on the Login email section to complete the process.
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