Employee Guide | Available Roster Shifts

1) Overview
2) Action available roster shifts through the online portal

i) Via the to-do list
ii) Via your roster



Employee Guide | Roster Shift Preferences


1) Overview

Available roster shifts are shifts are open published shits that are available for you to accept or decline. Only shifts that you are suitable to work will be shown. If you are not seeing shifts that you think you should be able to accept or decline, please speak to your manager. 


NOTE: Depending on your organisations rules, you will either be given the shift automatically or this will need to be approved by your immediate leader / employer. Please contact your immediate leader / employer to determine your organisations configuration (and policy) regarding accepting (or) declining of available rostered shifts.

  • If you click I am available and you require 'manager approval', you will receive a notification if your request has been accepted or declined.
  • If you click I am available and you do not require 'manager approval', you will automatically receive the shift.
  • If you click I am not available the shift will be marked as unavailable and the shift will disappear from your screen.


2) Action available roster shifts through the online portal

i) Via the to-do list

  1. A notification will be displayed in to do list if there are any available rostered shifts. Click on the notification to expand it.
  2. Click the action button to select your availability for that shift.
  3. Choose your availability.


ii) Via your roster

  1. Click My Easy Employer on the navigation bar and select Rosters.
  2. This opens up the My rosters page. From here you can see the current roster period at the top, and the option to view future (or) past rosters, or rosters that meet a date range.
  3. Clicking on a period opens up the weeks roster for that period. Available shifts will be displayed in pink in the Available shifts section.
  4. Click the available shift and then click Accept or decline this shift (tick icon).
  5. Select your availability.
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