Employee Guide | Troubleshoot Email Notifications

1) Overview
2) Problem solving email notifications



Employee Guide | Online Account Access


1) Overview

Email notifications are a method of notifying Easy Employer users when something important has occurred related to their account. This may include (but is not limited to):

  • Rosters being published.
  • Leave request being actioned.
  • System notices being received.

It's important to ensure you are receiving your email notifications as these will likely include important information.


2) Problem solving email notifications

Sometimes emails can not be seen by a user in their inbox due to their email settings. We recommend following the below steps to investigate / troubleshoot these types of issues. 

  1. Check your 'Junk Folder' (or) 'Spam Folder' of your email to check if emails could be going there.
  2. Check for emails from comms@easyemployer.net, comms+aws2@easyemployer.net, or payslips@payrollguru.com.au. 
  3. Open the email and mark as 'Not Junk' (noting there could be different ways to mark an email as 'Not Junk' depending on your email provider, refer to your providers instructions for achieving this).

Alternatively, comms@easyemployer.net, comms+aws2@easyemployer.net, or payslips@payrollguru.com.au can be added to address book and all the emails sent after that will likely be placed in the 'Inbox' instead of the 'Junk or Spam Folder'.

If the emails were not in your junk folder and/or the address book step didn't work - try adding the above email addresses to a "safe sender" list. Instructions to achieve this will vary according to your email provider.

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