Rosters | Electronic Calendar Links

1) Overview
2) Create an electronic calendar link for Rosters
3) Create electronic calendar links for clients



Employee Guide | Exporting Leave to Calendar
Google calendar
Mozzila Thunderbird Calendar


1) Overview

Electronic calendars are generally available through external email services (such as gmail or outlook). These calendars assist users to plan their days and schedule activities. Electronic calendars also allow users to add information from an external source (calendars of co-workers or friends).

Subscribing to the roster using an ical link, automatically adds roster shifts into your electronic calendar. Your roster is kept up to date in your calendar by automatically updating with published shifts, at a defined update interval (most calendar applications allow this interval to be set).

Users can also create a calendar link for their clients and instructions for this can be found below. This link can communicate important information to clients such as the time of their visit and the person that will be attending. This same link can also be used by family or friends of the client so they are also aware of when shifts take place.


NOTE: A group selection can be adjusted to only show roster shifts from certain roles, areas or sites that you manage.


The following is an example of how your roster will look in an electronic calendar:

Day view



Refresh interval: It is the responsibility of the calendar application to pull new data from Easy Employer. In some calendar applications you can control the interval it updates, or you can perform a refresh or send and receive to pull new data to your calendar from Easy Employer.

Display: Easy Employer cannot control how the entries are displayed in the application.


2) Create an electronic calendar link for Rosters

  1. Click on Scheduling on the navigation bar.
  2. Click Rosters.
  3. Click on the Current roster.
  4. Choose the sites for the roster and click Submit.
  5. Use the groups button to select the sites, areas or roles that you would like included in your calendar. You can have multiple calendars for different sections of the business.
    • An example of this is a pharmacy. You could have a calendar for your Pharmacy Assistants and a separate calendar for you Pharmacists. Or you could have a separate calendar for Front of shop and another one for Dispensary.
  6. Click Export on the actions menu.
  7. Select Export to Calendar and the information you would like exported to the calendar, and press Export.
  8. This will pop up a window with a link.
  9. Copy this Calendar link into your Calendar to add the roster information in your calendar.


NOTE: The calendar link will be unique for your group selection. You can customise what shifts you would like displayed on your calendar by using the groups button.


3) Create electronic calendar links for clients

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