1) Overview
2) Assign job codes
3) Example job code split in interpreted data file
Org Structure | Placeholder Hours
1) Overview
Job codes enable users to categorise labour costs for shifts worked against specific roles within the externally integrated application.
This feature can be used to complete a wages costing inside of a payroll app, across roles, and it's used when integrating with a payroll app, such as MYOB.
2) Assign job codes
Certain payroll applications accept the importing of job codes in the interpreted timesheet data file.
- Click Organisation.
- Click Organisation Structure.
- Click the role (for this example, Sales Assistant has been selected).
- Click Settings on the sidebar.
- Click edit on the job code row.
- Select the job code from the drop-down list.
If you need to create a new job code, click Manage values (cog icon). - Click add (plus sign icon).
Enter:- Value.
- Description.
- Add more by clicking add (plus sign icon).
- Click Save.
- Select the job code from the drop down list.
- Click save.
- The cost centre is now assigned.