Award | Leave Types Configuration

1) Configure leave types
2) Add a new entitlement
3) Add an entitlement to an award
4) Assign an entitlement to a leave type
5) Add a payroll category to an award
6) Assign a leave type to an award pay group
7) Create leave types
8) Add a leave type to a pay group



Award | Entitlements


1) Configure leave types

New leave types can be added to Easy Employer (EE) at any point. It is important to ensure that the steps below are completed.

  1. Manually enter the entitlement type in EE or perform the entitlement type import to import the entitlement type into EE's entitlement list.
  2. Add the entitlement to the award.
  3. Add the payroll category to the award.
  4. Add the leave type to the award and award pay groups.


NOTE: The available leave types for a user are based on the leave types in the user's pay group: It does not matter what payroll category is set on the leave type, if the leave type is not in the pay group, then it won't be available as an option in the leave request type drop down menu of the leave form.


2) Add a new entitlement

  1. Click Organisation.
  2. Click Awards.
  3. Entitlements will be displayed. Click Add.
  4. Provide the required details for the entitlement.
  5. Click Confirm.


3) Add an entitlement to an award

Follow the first two steps as above, then:

  1. Select the Award.
  2. Scroll to the Entitlements section and add the entitlement.


4) Assign an entitlement to a leave type

Follow the first two steps as shown in section 2, then:

  1. Select the Award.
  2. Scroll to the Leave Types section, and edit the leave type you want to add the entitlement to.
  3. Assign the entitlement to the selected leave type and save.


5) Add a payroll category to an award

Follow the first two steps as shown in section 2, then:

  1. Select the Award.
  2. Locate the Payroll Categories section. Use New Payroll Category at the bottom of this section to create a payroll category for the new leave type. Input the appropriate details for the new payroll category making sure the Type is set to Leave and click add.


6) Assign a leave type to an award pay group

Follow the first two steps as shown in section 2, then:

  1. Select the Award.
  2. Locate the Base award pay groups section, and select the one that needs to have the Leave Type added to.
  3. Click Edit Award pay group.
  4. Scroll down to the Leave Types section, add the new Leave Type and then click Save and update at the bottom of the page.


7) Create leave types

Follow the first two steps as shown in section 2, then:

  1. Select the Award.
  2. Scroll down to the Leave Types section. Use New Leave Type at the bottom of this section to create the new leave type. Input the appropriate details and click add.


8) Add a leave type to a pay group

  1. In the award that you've added the leave type, locate the Base Award Pay Groups section or open the position where the pay group resides.
  2. Edit the Pay group that you would like to add the leave to.
  3. Under the Payroll Categories section, use the drop down at the bottom to add the Payroll Category associated with your new Leave Type.
  4. Scroll down to the Leave Types section.
  5. Under New Leave Type, select your new leave type from the drop down menu. The settings, such as the category, will default to the configuration set, change any details as required.
  6. Click add.
  7. Save and update the pay group.

The leave type will now appear when an employee within that pay groups submits a leave request.

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