1) The Easy Employer Support Desk
2) Partner provided support
3) The ticketing process
4) Support to client organisation employees
5) Support for API integrations
6) Product outages, updates, and other notifications
Support | Submit & Manage Support Requests
Support | How to Take Screenshots
1) The Easy Employer Support Desk
Our Easy Employer Support Desk goal is to service the employer/organisation clients that use Easy Employer (EE).
Our Support Desk is intended to be a supplementary service, and it is up to each organisation to utilise the Easy Employer Help Centre, designated product champions in the organisation, and other resources provided as part of the training given during implementation, before contacting our support desk.
Clients should utilise these resources to build a custom resource / process documentation, that details your specific use of EE. This will be particularly imperative if clients have a turnover of key staff within their organisation.
If a client's organisation experiences turnover of key staff, especially those who utilise or drive the use of EE, please advise the Support desk so that we can identify any requirements for additional / refresher training.
There may be times when the Support Desk is under load and we appreciate client's patience whilst we attend to tickets in a prioritised fashion. We are constantly improving the resourcing of our Support Desk and this will sometimes involve training new team members and we appreciate clients patience whilst we expand the knowledge base of our Support Desk.
Support Hours of Operation
- The support desk runs from 9am AEST to 5pm AEST from Monday - Friday.
- Support requests can be lodged at any time but will be looked at during those core hours.
- There is emergency "out of hours" support that can be enacted through calling up the support line on 1300 855 642.
- Just because an issue is lodged as CRITICAL by the client does not mean that it will be triaged as "CRITICAL". If the matter is not considered urgent the ticket will be addressed at the next available opportunity.
The Support Process
- Any issues, requests for help etc should be lodged with our Support Desk via the online support form:
- The support form (https://support.easyemployer.com/hc/en-us/requests/new) is the best way to get an issue actioned in a timely fashion.
The link for the form can be always found on the Easy Employer Support website:
- The support form (https://support.easyemployer.com/hc/en-us/requests/new) is the best way to get an issue actioned in a timely fashion.
- Alternatively, there is a chat option also available on the Easy Employer Support website. The Help button (bottom left hand side) can be selected and a chat window will present itself.
- Alternatively, there is also a phone line that clients can call: 1300 855 642.
- Calling the support desk you put you through to one of our support officers.
- It is not guaranteed that the person a client speaks with on the phone will be able to resolve the issue on that call.
- The main aim of the support officer (if they cannot resolve an issue on the spot) is to get as much information from the client in order to escalate the issue.
- A ticket will be created with the information the client provides.
Support Inclusions
Ordinary / included support covers a range of areas whereby the client is experiencing issues utilising EE and/or is making enquiries on certain areas of the product.
- This includes support on the product as it was configured, set up and trained to the client during implementation.
- It also includes support on topics that would not have been covered in the training and coaching for the implementation of EE into the client's organisation, or areas where training needs to be supplemented by the support desk.
NOTE: Any additional effort falling outside of ordinary/included support (or as part of the agreed support scope) will be charged at the Easy Employer's daily rate, and billed accordingly.
Support Exclusions
Ordinary / included support services DO NOT COVER the below scenarios:
- Training: our Support Desk purpose is not to train users of EE. If it's deemed that a user or an organisation is using the support desk in a way that would suggest that additional training or refresher training is required, or that initial training was not digested appropriately, or that the client organisation did not document unique usage of EE as reflected in the implementation phase, we will bring this to the attention of the client as billable.
- Knowledge base: our Support Desk purpose is not to document and or understand a client's unique usage of EE. It is required that client's document their processes internally during the implementation phase and on an ongoing basis - especially where the system has been modified for specific uses.
- If there is turnover in a client's organisation our Support Desk is not there to fill in the gap left by that turnover if documentation has not been kept on the clients' use of EE.
- Account modifications: our Support Desk and the officers within it are not permitted to make certain modifications or change data within your EE account.
- Some of these modifications / changes would be considered those that the client can make themselves (e.g., award pay rate updates).
- If a client does not want to make those changes themselves this becomes a paid service that needs to be quoted and permission given in writing to the Support team to make those changes.
- Certain changes to an EE account will need to be made by specialists within the Support team for reasons involving data integrity.
- i.e. Implement TIL System, Implement RDO System, Build custom permission set, Allowance creation and / or update service, Award implementation, etc.
- In these cases the client will be notified and made aware of any charges involved.
- Some of these modifications / changes would be considered those that the client can make themselves (e.g., award pay rate updates).
- Pay rate determinations: our Support team do not give advice on how you should be paying your staff or how you should be interpreting your industry award. EE is a tool and can/should be used by the employer to remain compliant with Fair Work and other such legislation.
- EE will alert clients to major industry award updates as a courtesy - but employers should be seeking advice from their industry association with regards to any changes required - and making those required changes within their EE account.
- Support for Integrations and/or Custom Development:
- Costs related to development work during implementation are with regards to features and integrations includes scoping, design, development, testing and usage documentation.
- It doesn't include consulting or support e.g. assisting with using developments (features, API, etc) during implementation - or ongoing after implementation is finalised.
- "Excessive and/or unreasonable use" scenarios: if a client's issue/s are extensive enough that it would be considered “excessive use” or whereby assistance being given is considered to "unreasonably" covering off on ground that "already provided training" has covered, or for instances where client internal documentation is lacking, we will have the right to consider whether the service we provide should be billable i.e. quoted and invoiced.
Hardware support
Hardware purchased from EE for use with EE is supported by us and the manufacturer under these conditions:
- The equipment is in the manufacturers warranty period.
- The equipment has been treated in accordance with the instructions on how to care for the equipment.
- The equipment has been subject to "reasonable" use.
Any equipment out of warranty or found to be showing signs of mistreatment does not fall under supported hardware and it's up to the client and/or their IT vendor to remediate any hardware related issues. Hardware out of warranty or falling outside of warranty terms due to misuse can still be repaired via contacting the manufacturer or an IT technician, the costs of which are to be paid for by the client.
USB Fingerprint Scanner:
- USB modules need to be maintained & cleaned adequately / frequently and users must ensure they are scanning using clean fingers that are free from debris or chemicals that might scratch and/or fog the lense.
- Foggy lenses and / or scratched lenses are not considered as the result of "reasonable" use and therefore do not fall under the manufacturer's warranty.
- Documentation regarding the care of the USB fingerprint scanner is here.
- Technical documentation regarding the cleaning of the USB fingerprint scanner is here.
All In One Kiosk:
- An All In One Kiosk requires the networking configuration / environment detailed here in order to function correctly.
- The fingerprint scanning module needs to be maintained and cleaned adequately / frequently and users must ensure they are scanning using clean fingers that are free from debris or chemicals that might scratch and/or fog the lense.
- Foggy lenses and / or scratched lenses are not considered as the result of "reasonable" use and therefore do not fall under the manufacturer's warranty.
- Documentation regarding the care of the USB fingerprint scanner is here.
- Technical documentation regarding the cleaning of the USB fingerprint scanner is here.
2) Partner provided support
In cases where a client is being serviced by one of our partners - that client will be required to approach their "partner organisation" in the first instance for support. If the partner is unable to resolve the issue - they will escalate to an EE specialist.
The partner support process
- Client contacts partner organisation via phone / email / chat etc. (each partner determines what the contact options are).
- Partner assists the client and closes off the issue.
(OR) - Partner is unable to assist the client and escalates the matter to EE.
- Partner keeps the client up to date with the progress of their issue.
If a client that is being serviced by one of our partners comes directly to EE via email to lodge an issue, the ticketing system will automatically close the ticket (as soon as it's been established that the client is serviced by a partner), and the client will be advised to contact their partner organisation.
If a client comes directly to EE via phone or chat, they will be referred back to their partner organisation as soon as it becomes apparent that the client is serviced by a partner.
3) The ticketing process
Information gathering
- The more information a client gives whilst creating a ticket the better. Please bear in mind we often have to try to REPLICATE an issue and as such we need the information to try to take the same actions that that caused the issue!
- What went wrong. If possible, including screenshot/s of what the client is seeing.
- What was the client doing when it went wrong. Detail the steps that were taken that resulted in the error.
- What did the error say? If possible, a screenshot of the error message.
- Examples of issues, names of employees in question, payroll / roster / timesheet details/ dates etc.
- Often we will need to ask further questions around a ticketed item. This is to get as much information as possible in order to replicate, resolve or escalate an issue:
- If we cannot replicate the error we often cannot solve it, we also need a certain amount of info to escalate your issue - so bear with us whilst we gather as much info as possible to replicate your issue.
- The quicker a client gets back to us with necessary info the quicker we can resolve an issue.
Reporting issue(s)
- If you need to report multiple issues, you need to send a separate email / lodge a separate ticket for each item. Our support desk does not accept tickets with multiple issues reported in one thread.
- If during a ticket you have another issue to report, you need to send a separate email / create a separate ticket for that new item. Do not add that new item to the existing ticket - or it may get lost tracked of and not addressed.
Triaging and vetting
- The Support Desk is triaged into levels to ensure issues/queries are dealt with in an appropriate manner and to ensure that our Support staff are utilised in a way that facilitates the best outcomes for our entire client base:
- Tickets will be routed initially to staff members that can provide more generalised support, and in cases where they cannot resolve the issue they are trained to collect the necessary information that enables the issue to be escalated to the appropriate specialist.
- Just because a specialist has resolved a previous issue for a client does not mean that a client's next ticket/issue will go to that same specialist. Emailing a specialist or any support team member specifically with an issue will result in an issue not being logged or tracked. You must follow the correct process and get a ticket number back for an item to be actioned.
Determining priority:
- Tickets are prioritised according to business impact. There are four categories that a client can set when you submit your request to our Help Desk via the support form.
- CRITICAL - Easy Employer production is down
- MAJOR - Part of Easy Employer production is down, or you are trying to process a pay run on that same day and you are experiencing issues.
- MODERATE - Easy Employer is not functioning correctly and it is seriously impacting your day-to-day operations - and there is no workaround. Or, your UAT environment is down.
- LIMITED - Easy Employer is not functioning correctly and it is impacting your day-to-day operations BUT there is a workaround; OR, you have a question about EE, the support system, or an existing ticket.
- If clients follow the support system best practices then they will be able to define business impact through the support form, and submit a ticket that has the best chance of being able to be actioned in a timely fashion.
- Anyone lodging an issue via the Support desk will be allocated a ticket number, and get updates via that ticket where appropriate. This includes being notified when the ticket is closed and the issue is resolved.
- Users are able to view their ticket through our ticketing system and/or view updates via email notifications when the ticket is updated.
EMPLOYERS: Managing your organisations tickets
There is a help centre guide on this, located here.
This article covers things like:
- How to submit a new ticket and set priority through the web form.
- How to follow sections of the help desk to get updates.
- See existing tickets assigned to you and also as a CC.
- See tickets that have been submitted by all employees from your organisations.
4) Support to client organisation employees
The scope of support for an organisation's end users is limited to these topics:
- Password resets / assistance.
- Issues logging on to EE.
- Mobile app issues / problems.
Any query other than those listed above; the message back to your staff needs to be that they should be speaking to their supervisor (or) manager, who will need to address the issue internally for resolution by the EE advocate - and if they cannot help then a ticket can be lodged with the Support desk by the advocate (not the employee).
5) Support for API integrations
- As a person/entity being provided access to an EE production account via API you understand that you do so at your own risk.
- You understand that you are responsible for the integrity of the data you are accessing and/or modifying via the API.
- Any work required, or efforts undertaken, by EE to remedy any issues caused by your use of the API will be billable at an hourly rate.
6) Product outages, updates, and other notifications
- Clients are notified of Easy Employer updates, enhancements, feature additions, etc., via the EE “Announcements” section. (Easy Employer Home page).
Outages and downtime
- Outages and downtime are notified via a subscribe-able Help Centre page.
Major incidents
- Major incidents are communicated via the EE "Announcements" section, the subscribe-able Help Centre page and/or emails to individually affected clients.
Data Breach Response Plan
- Our Data Breach Response Plan (DBRP) can be found here.
Privacy Statement
- Our Privacy Statement can be found here.