Deprecation of MYOB AccountRight Classic (v19)


MYOB recently announced that as of 30th September 2019, MYOB will no longer provide features, patches, compliance updates or product support for AccountRight Classic (v19), which will also mean the end of ODBC (open database connectivity) support. Existing OEM ODBC keys will still be able to activate ODBC for existing clients until the 24 Aug 2019. As of the 24 Aug 2019,MYOB will cease activations of any previously issued ODBC keys.

AccountRight Classic (ARCv19) covers all of these:
- MYOB AccountRight Plus V19
- MYOB AccountRight Premier V19
- MYOB AccountRight Enterprise V19

esayemployer currently integrates with these three "versions" of ARCv19.   In line with MYOB's timelines, on 24 Aug 2019 easyemployer will officially remove AccountRight Classic (all versions) as a supported payroll integration with easyemployer.


Any clients using AccountRight Classic v19 will need to look at what options are available to them given this notice from MYOB:

(1) some clients may be able to continue using ARCv19 after the deadlines given by MYOB i.e. 30Sep2018 & 24Aug2019 
- from 30Sep2018 this use will be in an UNSUPPORTED fashion i.e. if anything goes wrong MYOB won't provide support and easyemployer may not be able to assist either.

*** Please note *** We would always suggest that clients move away from using unsupported software - especially for mission/business critical systems such as payroll.

(2) some clients may need to identify an alternate payroll application to move to.  
- once a payroll application is identified a new payroll integration MAY BE required to be implemented with easyemployer.  

*** Please note ***  Clients can choose to continue using their flat file integration with easyemployer by upgrading to the new versions of MYOB (i.e. MYOB AccountRight Plus or Premier 2018)
- simply switch the payroll entity application setting in easyemployer
- use the 20+ guides here: MYOB 20+ guides here*:
* you must use the guides.

However, if you want to integrate to the new versions of MYOB via an API then you will need to contact us.


If you require assistance identifying a new payroll application you can request a session with our managed payroll experts at They can also assist you, if you wish, to look at the benefits associated with using managed payroll. Managed payroll means that you can hand off your payroll to a dedicated team of payroll speicailsts that provide redundancy for your business - and you no longer need to do payroll in-house.  There are many benefits to managed payroll and the team can talk you through those - and the costs of doing so.

We recommend that clients MYOB AccountRight Classic (v19) look into this ASAP - and that you do not leave any payroll application decisions/changes to the last minute. 



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