Employee Guide | Open Shifts

1) Open Shift
2) Create an open shift
   i) Via the online portal
   ii) Via email
   iii) Via SMS



Employee Guide | Shift Swapping


1) Open Shift

The Open Shift feature is available on certain accounts and allows users to open their shifts to let their immediate leader / employer aware that they would like the shift to be covered by someone else. This results in the immediate leader / employer intervening to review the open shift, and communicate to other appropriate users (employees) that there is a shift open for fulfilment.



Depending on your organisations rules, you request to create an open shift may need to be approved by your immediate leader / employer. Please contact your immediate leader / employer to determine your organisations configuration (and policy) regarding creating (or) accepting of roster open shifts.

Additionally by "opening" an existing / published roster shift does not generally mean you are not required to work that rostered shift. You will need to refer to your immediate leader / employer or organisation policy for information on how to handle this scenario.

Your employer / organisation will need this feature enabled for you to be permitted to use the roster open shift feature.


2) Create an open shift

i) Via the online portal

  1. Click My Easy Employer on the navigation bar and select Rosters.
  2. This opens up the My rosters page. From here you can see the current roster period at the top, and the option to view future (or) past rosters, or rosters that meet a date range.
  3. Clicking on a period opens up the weeks roster for that period. Here you can see your shift details.
  4. Click on the individual shift and click the 'Open Shift' button.
  5. The rostered shift will then change colour to pink.


ii) Via email

When you receive your roster (copy) via email, you can optionally reply with "open #,#" where # is a shift number (the remaining shifts will automatically be confirmed).

In the below example we replied to the email "open 3,5" and shift #3 and shift #5 were opened as a result.

Email Received Actions Taken on the Roster


iii) Via SMS

When you receive your roster (copy) via SMS, you can optionally reply with "open #,#" where # is a shift number (the remaining shifts will automatically be confirmed).

In the below example we replied to the SMS "open 3,5" and shift #3 and shift #5 were opened as a result. On some occasions the 'confirmation response' may come from a different mobile number (for load balancing purposes).

SMS Received Actions Taken on the Roster
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