Easy Employer | New User Interface 'Opt In'

1) Overview
2) Overview Video
3) Key differences in the Easy Employer new user interface



The Easy Employer "new user interface" will be enabled for all from the 23rd of November onwards. This means that if you have not already opted into the "new user interface" you will be automatically opted in on this date.

  • After the 23rd of November the "current" user interface will no longer be available.
  • For further information about this change, please contact our support desk at support@easyemployer.com 


1) Overview

The new EE (Easy Employer) user interface provides a more modern and faster performing user experience.

We are providing the opportunity for all users of Easy Employer to opt-in to the new user interface as early access.

This will allow organisations to familiarise themselves with the new user experience, update your own internal documentation, in preparation for the deprecation of the 'current' user interface (date TBC).


"Current" User Interface "New" User Interface
CleanShot_2022-02-08_at_12.09.45.png CleanShot_2022-02-08_at_12.17.05.png


2) Overview Video


3) Key differences in the Easy Employer new user interface.

  • Selecting the "ee" logo at the top left takes you back to the home 'landing page'.
  • The 'scheduling' dropdown contains everything related to rosters, roster templates, and appointments.
  • The 'timesheets' dropdown now also includes time clock configuration.
  • The notices page is accessed via the envelope icon at the top right.
  • To access "your profile" click on your initials at the top right. You can also access the logoff function via your initials.
  • employee focussed pages, have been moved to a single 'my Easy Employer' heading. This is where end users will access their own rosters, timesheets, availability, and leave.
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