Easy Employer Integration with MYOB

UPDATE: 18th November 2022
UPDATE: 28th September 2022
UPDATE: 21st September 2022




UPDATE: 18th November 2022

Easy Employer is pleased to announce that we are now at the testing stage of rewriting our integration with MYOB AccountRight.

After we have finished thoroughly testing the new look integration with MYOB, you will be contacted to let you know the roll out dates.

To recap, the new Easy Employer-MYOB AccountRight integration aims to provide the end user with the following key benefits:

  • Transparency in the process by guiding the user to perform the payroll processing steps.
  • No restarting of payroll processing from the beginning, if errors occur.
  • Improved visibility & understanding of errors during the payroll process.
  • Assistance in identifying the exact issue (if errors occur) to help you request support from the concerned platform team.

We would still really appreciate you assisting us in this project by providing us with your feedback, so please let us know if you have any information that would help this project.

We'll continue to provide updates. You can contact your account manager by emailing us at customersuccess@easyemployer.com if you have any follow-up questions.


UPDATE: 28th September 2022

Easy Employer is pleased to announce that we are close to completing rewriting our integration with MYOB AccountRight to bring you the improved integration we reported earlier this month.

We are now in the final stages of this critical project for 2022. After we have finished testing the new look integration with MYOB, we will be in touch to discuss the next steps.

To recap, the new Easy Employer-MYOB AccountRight integration aims to provide the end user with the following key benefits:

  • Transparency in the process by guiding the user to perform the payroll processing steps.
  • No restarting of payroll processing from the beginning, if errors occur.
  • Improved visibility & understanding of errors during the payroll process.
  • Assistance in identifying the exact issue (if errors occur) to help you request support from the concerned platform team.

We would still really appreciate you assisting us in this project by providing us with your feedback, so please let us know if you have any information that would help this project.

Your account manager will be your point of contact for you to reach out with any of your concerns or questions during this process. You can contact your account manager by emailing us at customersuccess@easyemployer.com


UPDATE: 21st September 2022

Easy Employer is pleased to announce that we are rewriting our integration with MYOB AccountRight to bring you an improved integration with enhanced error handling capabilities while providing transparency as the user navigates through the payroll processing steps.

While MYOB AccountRight has acknowledged issues as part of the integration over recent years, the end user does not have the flexibility in Easy Employer to continue the payroll processing steps from the point the MYOB AccountRight integration issue is experienced. The error messages seen in Easy Employer are also sometimes unclear and inconsistent. This has resulted in additional manual efforts for the client payroll team, compelling them to re-initiate the payroll processing steps from the beginning (even when an error comes up during the middle or towards the end of processing).

To summarise, the new Easy Employer-MYOB AccountRight integration aims to provide the end user with the following key benefits:

  • Transparency in the process by guiding the user to perform the payroll processing steps.

  • No restarting of payroll processing from the beginning, if errors occur.

  • Improved visibility & understanding of errors during the payroll process.

  • Assistance in identifying the exact issue (if errors occur) to help you request support from the concerned platform team.

We would really appreciate you assisting us in this project by providing us with your feedback, so we can compile client user stories to improve this integration rebuild.

Your account manager will be your point of contact for you to reach out with any of your concerns or questions during this process. You can contact your account manager by emailing us at customersuccess@easyemployer.com

This Easy Employer initiative is being done FREE of charge to ensure that all our clients are getting the best experience while using Easy Employer and MYOB AccountRight, and minimising all the day-to-day pain of running your payroll.

Will we provide you updates during this project and notify you all when the new integration code has been completed and tested.

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