Sage MicrOpay Meridian - importing a pay run into Sage MicrOpay Meridian

This article includes the following topics:

  • Completing a pay run within easyemployer
  • How to import a pay run into Sage MicrOpay Meridian
  • Transaction Audit Report

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Completing a pay run within easyemployer

To complete the pay run within easyemployer, follow the Exporting a payroll processing file guide

How to import a pay run into Sage MicrOpay Meridian

To import the easyemployer pay run file into Micropay Meridian:

1. Go to Transactions > Import and Export > Transaction Import.

2. Use the From Employee and To Employee fields to restrict the import to a range of employees, otherwise leave these fields blank to include all employees.

3. In the Import File field, enter the full path to the location of the import file. Alternatively, use the Browse button to locate the file.

4. Select an option in Existing Transactions. The options are:
- Overwrite
- Append
- Merge

5. Tick the following checkboxes for each of the conditions that apply:
- Reject if On Leave
- Reject if Terminated
- Payroll Manager file format
- Bypass Standard Additions and Deductions
- Bypass Bank Splits
- Add Balance of Hours
6. Click Import.

The file is imported and transactions are created in Meridian.

When the import is complete, the Transaction Audit Import report is displayed.

Transaction Import Audit Report

As part of the import process, Meridian generates the Transaction Import Audit Report. The report
displays the location and employee code for each employee included in the import, and includes
status messages that indicate whether transactions were created, the net pay amount, or other
information related to the data import. The messages may indicate a problem with a transaction, a
failure to import or inform you of a specific condition which may or may not affect the processing.


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