v3.52.0.1 - released

Release information

  • Version number: v3.52.0.1
  • Release status: released
  • Estimated release date: 03/12/2024 @ 11:30am AEDT
  • Actual release date: 03/12/2024 @ 11:30am AEDT

What is included

Item Feature Description
Timesheet rounding Timesheet V1

This release includes further fixes to automated pay time issues where if a user clocks less than the break minimum and the system auto adjusts the break to the minimum, the difference was not factored into timesheet paid time automation rules.

API costing endpoint API This release includes fixes to this endpoint to handle leave shifts and worked shifts together. Previously, in some situations, the costs of the shifts were not being calculated. 
Home payroll entity missing Payroll costs report Home payroll entity of users was not being calculated in the cost records. This has now been resolved in this version.
Wrong break type Timesheet V1 When Easy Employer was automatically generating the unpaid break, it was not always picking the right break type. This has now been resolved.

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