v3.52.0.2 - released

Release information

  • Version number: v3.52.0.2
  • Release status: released
  • Estimated release date: 04/12/2024 @ 10am AEDT
  • Actual release date: 04/12/2024 @ 11:08am AEDT

What is included

Item Feature Description
Leave reply comment Leave

When approving/declining a leave request via the leave notice, and a comment was added, the comment was not being communicated. This has been resolved in this version.

Higher leave loading feature Timesheet V1 If a leave request spanned future timesheet periods, the higher leave loading dialog would not load on the payroll report. 
Future public holiday shifts Timesheet V1 If a user had a public holiday shift created in a future timesheet period, and then the user was removed from roles or the role was deleted, the shift would disappear from the front end but a warning will still show. This has now been resolved in this version. 
Automatic breaks  Timesheet V1 If a user was set to generate a break based on a minimum shift length, the break was not auto creating. This has been resolved in this version. 

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