v3.52.0.6 - released

Release information

  • Version number: v3.52.0.6
  • Release status: released
  • Estimated release date: 10/12/2024 @ 5:00pm AEDT
  • Actual release date: 10/12/2024 @ 5:33pm AEDT

What is included

Item Feature Description
Payroll report warnings showing from another payroll period Timesheet V1

For some clients, warnings were showing on the payroll report, simplified payroll report and payroll warnings page that related to a different period to what was being processed.

This issue has now been resolved.

User abilities optimisation API

For some clients, that were sending user ability updates to Easy Employer during operational hours when other processes were being run that required user abilities, this would cause a lock to happen.

The endpoint has been optimised to better handle this.

BI database did not have data that existed on production BI

For some clients, data existed in BI that did not exist on production. This data was for specific actions where a roster shift was moved from assigned to unassigned and the BI database was not updated accordingly.

This issue has now been resolved, and the data will update at the next refresh interval.

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