v3.52.0.8 - released

Release information

  • Version number: v3.52.0.8
  • Release status: released
  • Estimated release date: 16/12/2024 @ 10:00am AEDT
  • Actual release date: 16/12/2024 @ 9:25pm AEDT

What is included

Item Feature Description
Payroll report finalisation failing Timesheet V1

For some organisation, the payroll report finalisation was failing.

This has been resolved in this version.

Timesheet rounding issues Timesheet V1

For some organisations, rounding of shifts was not working due to business rules. Further fixes have been applied to resolve these issues. 

Adjusting break via warning and shift rounding Timesheet V1

When adjusting the break via the warning system, this was causing rounding not to be applied correctly as per rules.

This has been resolved in this version.

Unpaid break minimum length and shift rounding Timesheet V1

When Easy Employer was automatically adjusting the unpaid break to the minimum break length set in the award, this was causing rounding not to be applied correctly as per rules.

This has been resolved in this version.

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