MYOB 20+ | Importing a Payroll Processing File

1) Completing a pay run within Easy Employer
2) Importing an interpreted payroll processing file into MYOB 20+
3) Video



Payroll | Simplified Report


1) Completing a pay run within Easy Employer

To complete the pay run within Easy Employer (EE), follow the Finalising a Payroll Period + Exporting a Pay Run.


2) Importing an interpreted payroll processing file into MYOB 20+

In order to process the payroll each period, you need to import the EE Payroll Report into your payroll application.

To import a Payroll Report into MYOB:

  1. Follow the ‘Exporting a Payroll Report’ guide to export the Payroll Report for the desired period.
  2. Open your MYOB file.
  3. You may take a backup of the current MYOB file in case you encounter problems during the import.To do so, please follow the ‘MYOB Backup Instructions’ at the end of this document.
  4. Click File > Import and Export assistant.
  5. Choose Import data and click Next.
  6. Click the Import drop down and select Timesheets.
  7. Click Browse and select the EE payroll export file and click Open.Screen_Shot_2013-05-01_at_1.25.21_PM.png
  8. Click Next.
  9. On the Format dialog, choose the following:
    • Data is separated by: Commas.
    • The first line of the file contains: Headers or labels.
    • Match cards using their: Emp Card ID.
  10. Click Next.
  11. Click Auto match and all required fields will be matched.
  12. Click Next.
  13. Backup your data if required.
  14. Click Import.
  15. The interpreted timesheet data will be imported into MYOB.
  16. Upon completion you will get a Conclusion dialogue which will inform you if any records were skipped or imported with warnings.
    • If there were records that were skipped or had warnings, please Click here to view the log file
    • You may restore your back up by following the ‘MYOB Restoration Instructions’, fixing up the problems and re-importing the Payroll Report to try the import again.
    • Please contact Easy Employer support on 1300 855 642 if you need assistance.


3) Video

Importing an interpreted payroll processing file into MYOB 20+

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