Billing - MYOB Activity Slip

1) What is the MYOB Activity Slip feature

2) How to configure the MYOB Activity Slip feature

i) Step One

ii) Step Two

iii) Step Three

iv) Step Four


1) The MYOB Activity Slip feature

The MYOB Activity Slip feature allows organisations to export activities performed by labour hire clients to MYOB, in order to streamline the billing process.

Note: This feature requires that the Billing and Labour Hire modules are enabled within your account. If this feature needs to be enabled please contact support on 1300 855 642 or at


2) How to configure the MYOB Activity Slip feature

i) Step one: Configuring the MYOB Activity Slip feature is to configure a billing application

1. Navigate to the Organisation Structure and locate the Payroll Entity


2. Select the payroll entity, and select Settings from the left navigation bar

3. There will be a section called "Billing application". Select your billing application and Save the changes

4. A new section called "Billing Application Settings" will appear. The settings in this section will be used to format data when exporting to the billing application.



ii) Step Two: Set a Site Client:

1. Open the Organisation Structure and locate a site


2. Navigate to the Settings tab within the site. This section will contain a setting under the "Other" category called Client. 


3. Create a new client by pressing on the Cog icon. input their details. This will open a dialog where custom values can be added with the following fields:

  • Client name - required
  • Description
  • Export code


4. After saving the values, and switching to edit mode again, the dropdown field will include the newly added value. A client can be set by selecting an option from the dropdown and saving the field. Select the client for the site and save the changes


iii) Step Three: Set a user entity

1. Navigate to the Users page


2. Open a User's profile page. In the details tab, there is a setting called "Entity" under the category "Labour details". 


3. Create a new value for the Entity by double clicking the field to switch to edit mode and then clicking on the "Manage values" cog icon. This will open a dialog where custom values can be added with the following fields:

  • Name
  • Type - selection from one of the following:
    • Company
    • Partnership
    • Sole trader
    • Trust
  • ABN - must be valid

After saving the values, and switching to edit mode again, the dropdown field will include the newly added value. A user entity can be set by selecting an option from the dropdown and saving the field.


4. Select the Entity and save the changes


iv) Step Four: Use the report to export to MYOB:

1. Open the reports section and select the Billing Activity report


2. The report lists all timesheet shifts that fall within the selected date range, filters and scopes.

  • You can add a scope to the report by selecting the Click to add scope button, this will allow the report to be scoped by User or Group


  • The report can be grouped by User or Group


  • You can also select the time period that you would like the report to display


  • Lastly, the report can be generated for different payroll entities


3. After reviewing the data in the report, it can be exported using the "Export to MYOB (activity slips)" action button in the top-right of the report. Note that this action is only available if a billing application has been set for the selected payroll entity. This will download a CSV file in the format ready to be imported into MYOB.



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