Time Collection | Enable / Disable Clocking Options

1) Overview
2) Enable / disable clocking options

i) Enable/disable clocking options for an individual user
ii) Enable/disable clocking options in bulk



Time Clock | Summary
Mobile App | Supported Devices


1) Overview

Clocking methods refer to the ways that a user can authenticate themselves as a user in either a time clock or the Easy Employer mobile app. If your organisation uses multiple clocking methods, e.g. fingerprint/pin clocking on a time clock installation, and/or mobile clocking on a mobile device, this can be customised for an individual user so they can only authenticate themselves with a specific method, e.g. fingerprint authentication only.  

For example if your organisation uses fingerprint clocking only as a general rule, but you have an employee that is having trouble authenticating with their fingerprint, you can also enable PIN based authentication for a specific user.



  • In order to use mobile clocking, the feature needs to be enabled in your account. To enable this feature, please contact the Easy Employer Support Team on support@easyemployer.com.
  • Only users with the correct permission levels can edit user clocking options.


2) Enable / disable clocking options

i) Enable/disable clocking options for an individual user

  1. Click Organisation.
  2. Click Users.
  3. Select the user (for this example "Thomas Anderson" has been selected).
  4. Click Clocking on the sidebar.
  5. Click edit on the row of the desired clocking option.
  6. Make the selection (ticked = Yes, unticked = No).
  7. Click save.


ii) Enable/disable clocking options in bulk

  1. Click Organisation.
  2. Click Users.
  3. Click Bulk user access.
  4. You can now edit the clocking options for multiple users at the same time.
    Select which users are displayed through sorting by Active, Inactive and Terminated on the top left hand side of the screen,
    or by using the Groups button located in the top right side of the screen.
  5. Once all changes have been completed, click Save at the bottom of the screen.
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