1) How does the import into WageEasy work
2) Finalising a timesheet report and exporting the Time Card data file
3) Import Time Cards into WageEasy
Sage WageEasy | Integration diagram
Sage WageEasy | Integration process map
1) How does the import into WageEasy work
We utilise the WageEasy time card import function to import the timesheet data into WageEasy.
2) Finalising a timesheet report and exporting the Time Card data file
To complete the pay run within Easy Employer (EE), follow the timesheet finalisation process and payroll export process.
Timesheet | Approving and Finalising a Timesheet
Report | Payroll
Payroll | Finalising a Payroll Period + Exporting a Pay Run
3) Import Time Cards into WageEasy
- Click on Wages – Auto.
- This will launch the auto pay wizard. Select next to move to this screen:
- Tick Import Time Cards and then click on the ellipsis to select the timecard file relating to the PPE you are currently sitting at in Wage Easy. This process will need to be completed for each PPE. (see following screenshot for example of timecard names with date reference of PPE).
- Tick to Import Allowances that are Inactive in the Employee’s File. This will import any items that have been set up in the T&A System as Allowances as well as in Wage Easy, processed for an Employee in the PPE Timecard file but may not be selected as an active allowance within the individual employee file.
- Tick to Process scheduled leave payments. This will process any leave setup as Planned Leave within the employee file.
- Tick to Process Standard Pays – If there is a likelihood of a Salaried Employee Clocking in and out of the T&A system, but their standard hours are produced via a predefined Timesheet, please go through the Auto wizard selecting this option first. By saving their Payslips via a Predefined it means they will reject when the Timecards are imported.
- This will launch the auto pay wizard. Select next to move to this screen:
- After ticking to Import Time Cards please then use the ellipsis (3 dots) to navigate to the location of where the Timecard file from EE was saved.
- Click Next (This process may take some time depending on the speed of your computer and number of timecard files).
- If any errors occur during the Import, a Printer Icon will appear on the bottom of this screen as per illustrated below.
- Please click on this Printer Icon for the Error Report which will advise why some Timecards have been rejected.
- You then have the option of continuing through the Import Wizard (Next) and processing only those Accepted Timecards, or you can Cancel out and fix what the issues are causing those Errors and then Import a new Timecard file with the errors rectified. If you select Next you will see a brief summary of the Import details.
- You will notice next to each option there is a + sign. Clicking on the + sign expands the list to view the employee’s underneath who were imported or have Predefined Timesheets.
- When you leave employee names in the Predefined Timesheets or Import Timecard list, WageEasy will automatically process their payslip. If you need to make an adjustment or addition to any pay, simply right click on the employee and choose to process manually:
- The employee will now move from Auto to Manual and have only their worked hours pulled through to Wages for Manual Processing.
- Selecting Next / Start will then begin the Process and create Payslips for only those employees left in the list under Predefined Timesheets or Imported Timecards
- Note: This process may take a little time depending on the speed of your computer and timecard files incorporated.
- It should take between 1 and 2 seconds per payslip.
- Once the process has completed you can then select Finish.
- Now import your next timecard file for import, or go to Wages / Timesheet and process those employees who were reset for Manual.