Can you tell me my roster?
The Easy Employer Support Team cannot provide you with your roster information as this can only be obtained by yourself after you have logged in securely into the Easy Employer portal (or mobile app).
- If you are having issues accessing or viewing your roster - you need to raise this internally with your immediate leader / employer for assistance.
I cannot work a roster shift, can you please assign the shift to someone else?
The Easy Employer Support Team cannot reassign a roster shift for you for any given circumstance.
- You will need to raise this internally with your immediate leader / employer if you are unsure of your organisations procedures around this.
Can you update my timesheet for me?
The Easy Employer Support team cannot update your timesheet, this can only be done by yourself after you have logged in securely into the Easy Employer portal.
- If you have further questions you will need to raise this internally with your organisation payroll team or speak to your immediate leader if you are unsure of your organisation procedures around this.
I am unable to update my timesheet, why?
Your organisation manages the Easy Employer (EE) application and (therefore) controls the settings and features that are used or enabled.
- If you are unable to make changes to your timesheet in your EE login, then this feature has not been enabled for you.
- If you have further questions you will need to raise this internally or speak to your immediate leader for assistance.