Reports | Payroll

1) Overview
2) Access the Payroll Report
3) View/change a timesheet using the Payroll Report
4) Addressing the warnings on the payroll report



Reports | Payroll Warnings Page


1) Overview

The payroll report gives a breakdown of the timesheet hours through the award interpreter.

If you are using EE (Easy Employer) for payroll, this report gives you the export file to load into your payroll application.


2) Access the Payroll Report

  1. Click Reports.
  2. Click Payroll Report.
  3. Select the report parameters:
    • Period being processed.
    • The payroll entity.
    • The report type: normal or payroll warnings.
    • Users.
  4. Click Launch Report.
  5. The Payroll Report displays in a new page.


3) View/change timesheets via the payroll report

  1. Open the Payroll report.
  2. Select the user.
  3. Click the timesheet link (make sure you click the timesheet period link, clicking the link in between brackets brings up the Payroll costs report related to that timesheet period).
  4. Hover over the shift for the user and click the required action in the drop-down.
  5. Make the required changes.


NOTE: Payroll admins can adjust timesheets through the Payroll Report even if the timesheet has been finalised.


4) Address warnings on the payroll report

  1. Open the Payroll Report.
  2. The Payroll Warnings indicator will be displayed at the top of the report to represent how many warnings need to be addressed (warnings need to be addressed to finalise the payroll period).
  3. Scroll through the payroll report and warnings will be indicated in the employee's Warnings section.
  4. Once all warnings have been actioned or hidden, you can then Finalise payroll period.
  5. You can then lock the payroll period if required.
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