Reports | Abilities

1) Overview
2) Access the user details report



The Ability System


1) Overview

The abilities report displays information on the abilities assigned to each employee and can be exported to csv or xls.

This feature can be used for the following:

  • The abilities report can be extremely useful when reviewing which employees do/don't have specific abilities, and can therefore assist in determining who requires training.
  • The abilities report also provides and overview of when the abilities expire, which can provide insight in to when group training is required.
  • The report is printable, and can be used to for documentation purposes.

This feature can be used at any time and could be accessed when planning training, reviewing ability expiration details, updating documentation, and so on.


2) Access the user details report

  1. Click Reports.
  2. CLick Abilities report.
  3. A list is displayed of all of the users, their abilities, the ability code, the ability start and expiry date, the time left until its expiry, and any notes associated with the ability.
  4. This can be changed by pressing on the heading you would like to sort by. The order in which the data under the heading will appear can be flipped by pressing on the same heading again.
    The arrow next to the heading will then change directions to signify the change.
  5. The list is sorted with the abilities expiring first located at the top of the list by default.
    • This can be changed by selecting one of the options in the drop-down menu at the top of the report (group by users or ability).
    • When grouped by Ability, the ability is displayed as a heading, and the users that have it under it.
    • Ticking the "Include removed abilities" check-box, includes any ability that has been deleted from the system, the date it was deleted and any users that had it.
    • If no users had it, it will display "There is no data to report".
    • When grouping the report by "Users", by default, only the user with abilities are displayed. This can be changed to show all users (including those with no abilities) by pressing the "Show empty items" check-box (selecting "Only show empty items will display only users who have no abilities).
    • When selected, users without any abilities will simply display "There is no data to report".
  6. To scope the report, press on the "Click to Add Scope" button located at the top of the report.
  7. This will then display a list of options available to scope by.
  8. For example, if refined by a "User", only the information on the abilities obtained by the user(s) selected will be displayed.
  9. Once a scope has been added, it's possible to further refine what is displayed by pressing the "Click to Add Scope" button again and selecting one of the remaining options.
  10. By default, the report will only display abilities that are currently assigned to a user. This can be changed to include abilities that have been removed by selecting the "Include removed abilities" check box.
    • This will then display any abilities that may have been removed, along with the date that they were deleted.
  11. The report can be exported to csv and xls by pressing the "Export to CSV" button for csv, or "Export to Excel" for xls. These buttons are located on the top right hand corner of the centre panel of the report.
    rep_ablt-rep_list_exp-csv.png rep_ablt-rep_list_exp-xl.png
  12. The report can also be printed by pressing the "Print Report", which can be found next to the export buttons.
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