Reports | Payroll Costs

1) Overview
2) Data included in the payroll costs report
3) Data not included in the payroll costs report
4) Filtering options
5) Access the payroll costs report



Reports | Payroll


1) Overview

This report provides an easy to understand summary of the timesheet/payroll associated with a given timesheet period.

Users can breakdown the cost records for any period and drill down specific details as required.

A few examples of how this report can be used:

  • See the individual cost records that make up a full payroll period, or a single employees pay slip.
  • See the aggregated hour and cost totals for overtime categories over a current period to help drill down on excess labour costs.
  • See the aggregated hour and cost totals for a given location over a given period. Compare this to other locations to determine efficiency or areas for improvement.

Users can access the Payroll Costs Report at any stage when logged in to Easy Employer, although it is best used when processing cost records after the completion of a timesheet period. As such, the default dates on the report are based on the previous timesheet / payroll period.


2) Data included in the payroll costs report

The report includes the following data:

  • Public holiday non-worked hours and costs
  • Public holiday worked hours and costs
  • Paid hours and costs
  • All payroll costs (penalty rates, allowances etc) relating to the above.
  • Makeup hours and costs (e.g. salary employee working under their hours)
  • Unpaid and paid leave hours and costs
  • Leave loading


3) Data not included in the payroll costs report

The Payroll Costs Report does not include:

  • Roster hours and costs


4) Filtering options

When filtering the report by user or group, the start date selected is used to determine which users or groups are shown. This is because the report can be scoped to any date range and users and groups can change over that date range.

If you are scoping the report date range across multiple periods, and want to include the data for all users and groups, we do not recommend filtering the data by users or groups. Instead, group the data the required way (if required) then export the report to perform further filtering in Excel.


5) Access the payroll costs report

  1. Click Reports.
  2. Click Payroll costs report.
  3. The report displays by default with all fields visible.
    The following icons can be found in the top right hand corner of the screen.
  4. Edit the displayed fields by clicking on the pencil icon.
    Select the fields you wish to display and press Submit.
    You can select Save columns if you want to save the layout of these fields when opening this report in the future.
    Once submitted, only the selected fields will be displayed.
  5. The report can be refreshed by pressing on the Reload button.
  6. Similarly, costs can be re-processed by selecting the Reprocess Costs button. Please note that as this needs to reprocess all actual and leave shifts through the award interpreter, this can take several minutes to finish processing.
  7. The report can be exported to CSV and XLS documents by selecting either the:
    • Export to CSV button.
    • Export to XLS button.
  8. The report allows you to search for a specific word, and once searched, only rows containing that word will be displayed.
  9. In the top left hand corner of the report the timesheet period displayed can be changed by selecting the preferred dates using the calendar.
  10. The report can be scoped by Groups, Users, Category Codes, Positions, Employment Types, or Group by, through selecting the Edit button for the corresponding field.
    Once a scope has been set, ticking the Set as default checkbox, will force these scopes to be set when opening this report in the future.
    • The Groups scope will allow you to only display certain Payroll Entities, Sites, Containers, Areas or Roles.
    • The Users scope will allow you to select which users are displayed in the report.
    • The Category Codes scope will allow you to select which payroll categories are displayed in the report.
    • The Positions scope allows you to select specific positions to be displayed in the report.
    • The Employment Types scope will allow you choose which employment types are displayed in the report.
    • The Group by scope will allow you to select the way in which the fields are grouped together.
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