Reports | Roster Totals

1) Overview
2) Data included in the roster totals report
3) Data not included in the roster totals report
4) Loading the roster totals report
5) Save presets
6) Load / delete a saved preset
7) Export the report to Excel
8) Additional payroll costs percentage
9) Scope the Report
10) Example reports (not exhaustive)



Rosters | Labour Costs


1) Overview

The roster totals report displays roster hours and costs which can be run for any period of time, split by day and week, scoped to groups, users and custom entities (e.g clients, activities or funding schemes) and be grouped by site, area, role, user and custom entities (e.g clients, activities or funding schemes).


2) Data included in the roster totals report

The roster totals report includes the following data:

  • Published and unpublished roster hours and costs.
  • All roster costs (penalty rates, allowances etc) relating to the above.
  • Unpaid and paid leave hours and costs (if you select the option "Include leave shifts").


3) Data not included in the roster totals report

The roster totals report does not include the following data:

  • Public holiday non-worked hours and costs.
  • Public holiday worked hours and costs.
  • Worked paid hours and costs.


4) Access the roster totals report

  1. Click Reports.
  2. Under Workforce, click Roster totals report.
  3. Choose the data to be reported on.


5) Save presets

The roster totals report provides preset functionality where you can define custom reports to be easily loaded

To save a preset:

  1. Load the report following the instructions above.
  2. Choose the data to be assigned to the preset.
  3. Enter the name of the preset under "save current selection as a preset".
  4. Click Save preset.


6) Load / delete a saved preset

Once presets have been saved, they can be used to quickly generate the report in your custom format. Presets can be selected through a drop-down menu on the Load presets section (only visible if any presets have been saved).

  1. Load the report following the instructions above.
  2. Select the saved preset from the drop-down list.
  3. Click Load preset / Delete preset.


7) Export the report to Excel

  1. Load the report by following the instructions above.
  2. Choose the data to be reported on or load a preset.
  3. Click the Export button.


8) Additional payroll costs percentage

The roster totals report can include an on cost percentage by selecting Exclude or Include next to Payroll on costs.

The additional percentage is set on the payroll entity and applies to each user with that payroll entity assigned as their home payroll entity.

To set the on cost percentage

  1. Click Organisation.
  2. Click Organisation structure.
  3. Click the Payroll Entity.
  4. Click Settings.
  5. Edit the field Payroll on cost percentage.
  6. Enter the on cost percentage and save.


9) Scope the Report

Scoping can be adjusted at the top of this report. All of the categories can be adjusted by clicking on the drop down boxes or the edit buttons.


Each section has different options available that are explained below.


The option selected will restrict the data displayed to the selected period. Options include:

  • Current payroll period
  • Previous payroll period
  • Last finalised payroll period
  • Specific dates


NOTE: If using 'specific dates', dates will need to be selected from the date pickers that appear when this option is selected.


Include leave shifts

Whether to include leave shifts in this report. Yes and No are the only available options.


Metrics refers to the way in which the data should be displayed. Options include:

  • Hours
  • Cost
  • Hours + Cost


This option refers to how the data should be further broken down or scoped. This helps to provide data in a may that is most useful to users. Options include:

  • No split
  • By week
  • By date
  • By day of week total
  • By day of week average

Clients (or other custom entity types)

Clicking the 'Edit' option will cause a popup to appear that displays a list of clients (or other custom entity types). This enables users to select specific clients (or other custom entities) to be displayed on the report.

Employment types

Clicking the 'Edit' option will cause a popup to appear that displays a list of employment types (typically full-time part-time and casual). This enables users to select specific employment types to be displayed on the report.


Clicking the 'Edit' option will cause a popup to appear that displays a list of groups (the organisation structure). This enables users to select specific groups to display on the report.


Clicking the 'Edit' option will cause a popup to appear that displays the user list. Users can then be selected to appear on this report.


Clicking the 'Edit' option will cause a popup to appear that displays a list of positions from the award to be displayed. This enables users to select award positions to be displayed on the report.

Group by

Unlike other available scopes, the 'Group by' option allows for multiple options to be selected. This will group the data into different subsections based on selection. Options include:

  • (Blank) - no options selected
  • Area
  • Client (or other custom entity type name)
  • Employment type
  • Position
  • Role
  • Site
  • User


10) Example reports (not exhaustive)

Site, are and role scoped to only sites Canberra and Melbourne


Funding scheme


Funding scheme and activity scoped to only NDIA and specific activities


Client, Funding scheme and Activity scoped to NDIA and specific activities


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