System | Manage Public Holidays

1) Public holiday data
2) Organisational responsibilities regarding public holidays
3) Review, add, select / deselect public holidays

i) Review public holidays (Organisation level)
ii) Add Public Holidays (Organisation level)
iii) Select / deselect public holidays (Organisation level)
vi) Review public holidays (Site level)
v) Add a new public holiday (Site level)
vi) Select / deselect public holidays (Site level)



Award | Public Holiday Configuration


1) Public holiday data

Public Holidays are based on government data and are loaded in the system (for the following year) using the dataset from, around September each year (once they publish the data). 

NOTE: 2025 public holidays have been manually imported and taken from each states public holiday list. The government data source did not have the 2025 public holidays as of 13th September 2024, and they were not responding to multiple requests as to when they will have the data available.

NOTE: if your organisation is on custom infrastructure then you can reach out to to request that these are loaded into your environment.

When loaded, public holidays will automatically be enabled on each site based on the state that has been selected.

  • If the Public Holiday does not apply to your site(s) (e.g. Bank Holiday) it is the organisation's responsibility to disable these as required.
  • If a Public Holiday does not exist but it applies to your site (e.g. regional public holiday) it is the organisation's responsibility to add and enable these as required.
  • If the Public Holiday does not have a date yet (e.g. Friday before the AFL Grand Final) this will not be added, and it is the organisations responsibility to add these in once the dates are known. 


NOTE: Part-day public holidays are not imported as the government source does not provide the breakdown of time for the part-day.

These will need to be added manually if they are observed.


2) Organisational responsibilities regarding public holidays

It is the responsibility of the account holder to ensure that all public holidays are configured correctly in Easy Employer (EE) as per the business requirements. This includes but is not limited to regional/territorial public holidays, part-day public holidays, public holidays that do not have dates at the time of the original upload, and any changes to public holidays that occur after the public holidays are loaded from the government sources.

New Zealand "Mondayisation" of public holidays is not configurable/automated in EE. These are required to be calculated manually.



  • Once a public holiday has been entered into EE it cannot be edited. This means existing public holidays cannot be renamed, deleted or change their dates.
  • Since public holidays cannot be edited, if one is displaying incorrect details; e.g. incorrect date (this can happen with some regional public holidays), use the following steps to correct the issue:
    • deselect the public holiday with the wrong details from the sites it's been applied to,
    • create a new public holiday with the same name and correct details,
    • assign the newly created public holiday to the sites it applies to, making sure you select the correct one, as the former will still be showing on the list of available options (public holidays cannot be deleted).
  • This article contains instructions on how to review, add, and select/deselect public holidays at Organisation and Site levels.


3) Review, add, select / deselect public holidays

Organisation level (click here)

i) Review public holidays (Organisation level)

  1. Select Organisation on the navigation bar, and select Settings.
  2. Select Public holidays on the sidebar (all the public holidays will be displayed). Use the drop-down menus at the top to filter them by Year, Country or State/Region.

ii) Add Public Holidays (Organisation level)

  1. Open the Public holidays section by following the steps above in Reviewing public holidays (Organisation level).
  2. Click the Create public holiday (plus sign icon) button.
  3. Complete the new public holidays details and click Submit.


iii) Select / deselect public holidays (Organisation level)

  1. Open the Public holidays section by following the steps above in Reviewing public holidays (Organisation level).
  2. Locate the public holiday that should be deselected from the list (use the state/region scope to more easily locate the public holiday). Click the cog that appears when hovering over the public holiday and select Manage.
  3. A list of sites will be displayed. Deselect/select the sites as required (a tick indicates that the site will observe the public holiday). Click Save to finish.


Site level (click here)

vi) Review public holidays (Site level)

  1. Select Organisation from the navigation bar, and select Organisation structure.
  2. Select a Site.
  3. Select Settings from the left navigation bar and confirm that the site is set to the correct state.
  4. Select Public holidays from the sidebar.
  5. The public holidays observed in the site will be denoted by a green tick, and the holidays not observed will have a red cross.
  6. Tick the Show observed holidays only box to only display the public holidays that are observed by the site.
  7. Further refinements can be made to the display by selecting the year and state.
  8. When opened, the public holidays will automatically be sorted by date (January - December). This order can be changed by pressing on the column headings for Date Period again, changing the order to December - January. The holidays can also be sorted by State/Region,
    Name, Date Period and Observed.
  9. The arrow next to the heading represents the order in which the list is being sorted. The arrow will appear when a heading is clicked and the order of the public holidays changes.

v) Add public holidays (Site level)

  1. Open the Public holidays section by following the steps above in Reviewing public holidays (Site level).
  2. Select Public holidays from the side bar.
  3. To add a new public holiday click the Create public holiday (plus sign) button.
  4. Input the details, ensuring that the observed by this site box is checked, and press submit. The newly added holiday will now be observed at that site.


vi) Select / deselect public holidays (Site level)

  1. Open the Public holidays section by following the steps above in Reviewing public holidays (site level).
  2. Select Public holidays from the side bar. The public holidays observed list will be displayed. Observed public holidays in the site will be denoted by a green tick, and the holidays not observed will have a red cross.
  3. To edit which holidays are observed, press the pencil edit icon.
  4. Check-boxes will now appear in place of the ticks and crosses. Tick the holidays that should be observed and deselect the ones that should not. Click the floppy-disk icon to save.

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