1) Overview
2) Access organisation availability rules
3) Access user specific availability rules
Availability | User Availability
1) Overview
The availability rules control if an employee is allowed to submit availability, if it requires manager approval and if there is a deadline on this.
The rules are as follows:
- Allow employees to submit availability
- Allow, with manager approval - employees can submit availability and it requires manager approval
- Allow, automatically approve - employees can submit availability and it automatically approves
- Do not allow - employees cannot submit availability at all
- Availability submission deadline - the number of days before the roster period starts and employees can submit and/or update their availability
- Allow availability submission in a published roster period - if you publish multiple periods ahead, do you want staff to be able to submit availability into published periods (deadline still applies if set)
- This can be handy if you want to stop employees updating their availability during certain periods of time, like Christmas and New Years
Rules can be applied against the entire organisation however these same rules can be adjusted for individual users.
2) Access organisation availability rules
- Click Organisation.
- Click Settings.
- Click Rules on the sidebar.
- Click Roster Rules to expand it.
3) Access user specific availability rules
- Click Organisation.
- Click Users.
- Select the user.
- Click Rules on the sidebar
- Click Roster Rules to expand it.