Payroll | Set Standard Days & Minimum Daily Hours

1) Standard days
2) Set standard days for a user
3) Set minimum daily hours for a user
4) Examples of default standard days

i) Full time
ii) Part time
iii) Casual

5) Fortnightly standard days/hours



Payroll | Set Employees' Minimum / Maximum Hours


1) Standard days

Standard days are setup during award configuration. Standard days indicate the typical working days of an employee. Standard days can be overridden for a particular employee.

Standard days affect the following:

  • Leave creation
  • Public holiday shifts
  • Daily overtime


2) Set standard days for a user

Standard days for a user is located on the Award Pay Group selection screen.

  1. Click Organisation.
  2. Click Users.
  3. Click Payroll.
  4. On the row of the user you'd like to set the standard days for, click the Actions icon, and select Edit.
    This opens the Select award pay group window popup.
  5. Depending on the pay group, Full time, Part time or Casual, the standard weekly hours and standard days selection could be different.
    See 4) Examples of default standard days for examples of standard configurations for the pay groups inside of Easy Employer.
  6. In the following example, the standard days for a full time employee are set to Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Saturday and Sunday:
    • Tick Override award particulars.
    • Select the days under the Standard column.
    • Click Save.
  7. If you need to change the Standard Weekly Hours for a user.
    • Change the value set in Standard hours.
    • The standard weekly hours can be averaged across the selected standard days.
      This is done by clicking the [A] at the top of the Standard column.
    • Click Save.


3) Set minimum daily hours for a user

  1. Follow the instructions above to bring up the Award Pay Group screen.
  2. In the following example, the standard days for a full time employee have been set to Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Saturday and Sunday with a minimum of 7.6 hours on each day:
    • Click Override award particulars.
    • Select the days under Standard column.
    • Enter the Min paid hours for each day.
    • Click Save.


4) Examples of default standard days

i) Full time


  • Standard weekly hours set to 38
  • Standard day selection Monday to Friday.


ii) Part time


  • Standard weekly hours set to 32 (the number of hours the employee has agreed to work)
  • Standard days have been selected and standard hours on each day have been allocated (In this case Monday to Thursday).


iii) Casual


  • Standard weekly hours set to 0
  • No standard day selection


5) Fortnightly standard days/hours

The values that can be applied for a single week can also be applied to a fortnight. This allows users to set different standard days or hours between an individual's first and second week.

To open the fortnightly options:

  1. Change the Number of weeks section to Two (week 1 displays on the left and week 2 on the right).
  2. Adjust the values as required. Values can be different from week one to week two.
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