Payroll | Assign / Edit Users' pay conditions - award, pay group, hourly rate, custom rates, employment particulars

1) Overview
2) Award pay groups
3) Assign / edit users' Awards, Positions, Award pay groups and Classification rates

4) Create a Defined Rate or a User Rate (custom rate)
5) Assign a User Rate (custom rate)



Award | Role Rates (User Role Rates)
Award | Update Payroll Categories / Position Rates


1) Overview

Remuneration packages are based on a mutual agreement between the employer and employee. For this reason, employers are reasonably free to structure remuneration packages as they see fit if the employee agrees. However, the package must also satisfy the minimum pay and conditions of employment under the National Employment Standards (NES) contained in the Fair Work Act 2009 or the minimum wage under the applicable Modern Award or enterprise agreement covering your employee for the employee’s classification. It should also meet any additional requirements in the employment contract.

The remuneration package should be structured according to the employee’s role and responsibilities, industry standards, and the current market rate for similar positions, taking into consideration the location of work and any skill shortages within the industry.

Easy Employer handles remuneration packages through Award pay groups.


2) Award pay groups

Award pay groups are a way to organise users, based on the industry or workplace award. These rates are assigned to users and dictate their normal hourly rate and penalties. Rates need to be assigned to employees to ensure they are paid correctly. This also enables Easy Employer to project costs for a roster period.


3) Assign / edit users' Awards pay groups

Follow these steps to assign an award pay group to a particular user:

  1. Click Organisation.
  2. Click Users.
  3. Select the user (for this example "Jake Barrell" has been selected).
  4. Click Payroll on the sidebar.
  5. Under the User award section, click Change.
  6. The Select award pay group popup window is displayed.
    Use the sections in this window (Pay group and base hourly rate, Award particulars and User role rates) to assign the relevant award pay group settings to the selected user (see bellow for more information on each of the sections).
  7. Click Save at the bottom of the window once all the required settings have been assigned and checked.


NOTE: The steps above also apply to edit or update the award pay group settings once it has been applied to a user.


i) The Select award pay group sections

1) Pay group and base hourly rate

This section has the fundamental settings most users (employees) require.


Set the the Award, Position, Pay group and Classification rate, using the drop-down lists on each segment to select the appropriate option.

A Bonus hourly rate can also bet set here (if required). This is an additional "bonus" component to the user's classification hourly rate, expressed as a dollar value (the dollar sign is not used in this field, only digit inputs are accepted). It is used to pay the user an "above award" rate whilst allowing them to stay assigned to a designated classification.

At the bottom of this section the Base hourly rate displays the base hourly rate for the user, which is the value is used for all related costing calculations (normal wages, loadings, penalties, leave, allowance, overtime, etc.).

If a user has been given a "bonus hourly rate", the user's base hourly rate is the addition of their classification rate and their bonus hourly rate.


2) Award particulars

The settings in this section are greyed out as it displays the standard configuration applied to the award.


To make changes on this section, click the Override award particulars checkbox (changes made here apply only to the user currently selected). 

Settings in this section include:

  • Use employee's home site to interpret public holiday shifts: Whether to use the location of an employee's home site to determine the dates of public holidays for that employee.
  • Average hours over: The number of weeks a user's weekly hours should be averaged across. This means a user will not attract overtime rates unless they exceed their total standard hours over the entire number of weeks. If averaging weekly hours over a number of weeks that is longer than a timesheet period, this is the date that the first block of weeks starts on.
  • Full time equivalent: The number of weekly hours a user's leave accruals should be based off. When calculating leave accruals, the number of standard hours the user shit works against their full time equivalent hours is used.
  • Number of weeks: The number of standard weeks for this user. Can be used to define more than 1 standard week. (E.g. the user has different standard hours over a fortnightly period).
  • Standard hours: The number of weekly hours a user typically works. This value affects their payroll warnings and default shift lengths for leave and public holiday shifts.
  • Min weekly hours: The minimum number of weekly hours a user should be paid for. If the user does not reach these hours during the week, their pay will be made up with hours from the 'primary' code in their award pay group, and a warning will display on the Payroll Report.
  • Max weekly hours: The maximum number of standard weekly hours a user should be paid for. If a user exceeds these, all additional hours will be ignored unless they have overtime rates specified in their award pay group.
  • Limit accrual hours: Whether or not there should be a limit on the number of standard hours a user can have leave accrued on. If no limit is specified, the user will have leave accrued on all standard hours. This only applies to pro rata accruals (e.g. annual or sick leave).

Use the Hours type segment to set Standard, daily maximum and minimum paid values for each day of the week (pressing [A] next to Standard automatically assigns standard hours equally across each week day based on the total set in Standard hours).


3) User role rates

For information on this section, please refer to the guide included in RELATED ARTICLES at the top of the page.



NOTE: Changing a users pay group or base hourly rate through the methods above, will only update the users details from the current payroll period forward. If you need to update the details in a previous payroll period, open that payroll report and click Change next to award pay group (you cannot change pay groups in previously finalised payroll periods).


4) Create a Defined Rate or a User Rate (custom rate)

The process below outlines the way to add defined rates or custom rates into award positions.


  1. Click Organisation.
  2. Click Awards.
  3. Select the award (e.g., SCHADS award).
  4. Click the position the new rate applies to. For this example we have selected "Social and community services employee" (which we are using in Section 4, to demonstrate how to assign new rates to a user).
  5. Defined Rates and User Rates (custom rates) for the selected position can be both created on this page, the process is the same for both. 
    For this example, we're adding a new User Rate (which we are using in Section 4, to demonstrate how to assign new rates to a user).
  6. Under User Rates, click Add.
  7. In the Add classification rate popup window, add the name and value for the rate.
  8. Click Save.
  9. The new rate shows under the User Rates table.


5) Assign a User Rate (custom rate)

Once the custom rate has been added to the rate table it can be selected for a user.

  1. Click Organisation.
  2. Click Users.
  3. Click the user.
  4. Click Payroll on the sidebar.
  5. Under the User award section, click Change.
  6. The user must be assigned to the position that contains the custom rate.
  7. Select the custom rate from the classification rate list.
  8. Click Save.
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