1) The time clock offline mode
2) Time clock appearance in offline mode
3) When internet access is restored
1) The time clock offline mode
The Easy Employer (EE) time clock can function without the internet for limited periods of time. This means that if your internet connection drops out for a short period of time, the time clock will cache shifts, start time, breaks and end times.
- If you have shifts clocked in offline mode, do not close the time clock down or restart the device, this can cause the cache to be cleared by the device, resulting in the cached data to be lost.
- Removing the cache will remove the shifts clocked "in offline mode" and will not be uploaded.
2) Time clock appearance in offline mode
Offline mode is indicated by by the following icon in the top left hand corner:
3) When internet access is restored
The EE time clock will begin to "sync" the cached data back to "the cloud". This means that cached data (e.g. a clock on for the morning which is currently cached data, and is being synced) will be visible in EE (e.g. via the web page) in a few minutes after internet access to the EE time clock is restored.
Sync activity is indicated by by the following icon in the top left hand corner: