Time Clock | Summary

1) Overview
2) Easy Employer clocking options
      i) All In One Unit - Biometric & PIN (Managed Solution)
      ii) Web Based - PIN only (Do-It-Yourself)
      iii) APP Based - Biometric & PIN (Do-It-Yourself)
3) Easy Employer mobile app
4) Operating system compatibility
5) Easy Employer time clock installation & configuration plan
      i) Workflow Diagram (Web Based - PIN only DIY)
      ii) Workflow Diagram (APP Based - Biometric & PIN DIY)



Mobile App | For End Users (Employees)
All In One Kiosks | Hardware
Time clock | WEB (PIN Number)
Time clock | APP (Fingerprint Scanner)


1) Overview

The Easy Employer (EE) time clock is a dedicated web-based portal which is setup on an "installation" device. An EE time clock can allow one or multiple users to interact with it, for the purposes of:

  • Clocking on / off shifts.
  • Clocking on / off breaks.
  • Adding timesheet shift messages (to the shift at the time).
  • Reading unread notices.


2) Easy Employer clocking options

There are 3x different EE time clock "installation" approaches.


i) All In One Unit - Biometric and PIN (Managed Solution)

EE offer a premium device which is a dedicated All In One (AIO) touchscreen & biometric scanner running a customised Windows 10 Enterprise solution. As part of this premium offering we also maintain remote access and proactive reporting / monitoring for the life of the device. An All In One is suitable for most clocking requirements. These All In One devices can be optionally wall mounted as such are advantageous as a dedicated clocking system 'per site'.


NOTE: Please see the All In One Kiosks | Hardware articles section, for further information.


ii) Web Based - PIN Only (Do-It-Yourself)

The EE time clock web-based portal can be run on any modern web browser. This affords PIN based authentication (only) via the time clock web-based portal on your "installation" device.

  • It is important to note the web based time clock may run on portable Android and iOS devices, however, EE does not support these installations.


NOTE: Please see the Time Clock | WEB (PIN Number) articles section, for further information.


iii) APP Based - Biometric & PIN (Do-It-Yourself)

EE offer a time clock "APP" to give the same time clock functionality to that found on our premium All In One Unit offering. We do not charge for this time clock "APP" and is readily available for download via the relevant help centre article for installation. The EE time clock APP affords both Biometric & PIN based authentication via the time clock portal on your "installation" device.

  • It is important to note that the EE time clock APP "installation" type is only appropriate for deployment on supported Windows operating system devices.
  • If you wish to have biometric based authentication, you will need to source the supported biometric hardware.


NOTE: Please see the Time Clock | App (Fingerprint Scanner) articles section, for further information.


3) Easy Employer mobile app

EE also offers a mobile application for individual users to access many features of their own EE account. This can include an individual time clock for the user that signs in to the mobile application. Because the mobile application is not dedicated specifically for clocking, and is not designed for multiple users for clocking purposes, we do not cover it's usage in this article. See the RELATED ARTICLES section, for further information about the Easy Employer mobile App.


4) Operating system compatibility



Each "installation" approach has its own important operating system considerations. We detail the full considerations in each "installation" type articles, which provides the full list of requirements there. Please ensure you read and understand the fill requirements before proceeding with your "installation" type. Please note that these requirements are subject to change without notice.


NOTE: If you are unsure on a specific "installation" operating system requirements, please contact our support desk for clarification before proceeding.


5) Easy Employer time clock installation & configuration plan

Some will elect to perform a Do-It-Yourself type "installation"; EE is here to support our clients understand how they can perform this installation themselves. We have not only this help centre article, but dedicated articles with guided instructions for each installation type.



  • Please understand where electing for a Do-It-Yourself type "installation" the responsibility for troubleshooting is your responsibility (on your own device). EE is here to guide and support you through this documented process available in our help centre articles.
  • If you purchase an All In One unit which is a managed solution, in the event of needing assistance, as we maintain remote access to the dedicated device, our support desk is able to provide a different level of service.


i) Workflow Diagram (Web Based - PIN only DIY)



ii) Workflow Diagram (APP Based - Biometric & PIN DIY)


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