MYOB AccountRight live (API) | Import Entitlement Balances From MYOB Online Into Easy Employer

1) Overview
2) Import entitlement balances into Easy Employer



START HERE - initial configuration of Easy Employer to display entitlement balances
Entitlements | View Balances
MYOB AccountRight live (API) | Import users from MYOB Online into Easy Employer
MYOB AccountRight live (API) | Import entitlement types from MYOB Online into Easy Employer


1) Overview

MYOB is as the master database for all leave entitlement balances, as accruals and deductions for entitlements are processed as part of the MYOB pay run.

Even if Easy Employer is configured to record accruals and deductions (payroll entity setting) of entitlements on payroll report finalisation, it is strongly recommended to include the import of entitlement balances into Easy Employer after each pay run and adjustment run completed in MYOB.

MYOB leave entitlement import guide here.


If you would like to see what adjustments have been made to entitlement balances, the entitlements report shows you this information: Reports | Entitlements – easyemployer support


2) Import entitlement balances into Easy Employer

  1. Click Organisation.
  2. Click Import / export data.
  3. Click Import / update entitlement balances.
  4. Source Payroll Program would be selected automatically if not select MYOB ARL.
  5. Click Next.
  6. Users with errors will be displayed and mapped to employees automatically.
  7. Entitlements need to be linked to the Payroll entitlement from your payroll application (if we have configured this for you, they will be already matched otherwise match the entitlements).
  8. If the entitlement you'd like to map to doesn't exist in Easy Employer, please email with details of the entitlement you require.
  9. Click Import entitlements now and the balances will be updated and the Entitlement Report will be displayed.
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