System | The Suitability Ranker

1) Overview
2) How it works
3) The suitability ranker and roster shifts
4) The suitability ranker and appointments



System | Rules: Introduction


1) Overview

The suitability ranker is a feature that ranks how suitable employees are to be scheduled for shifts or appointments, and this is reflected in the form of a percentage. It works in the background when automatically rostering but appears on screen when managing shifts. The suitability ranker is used for automatic rostering and the fill-in finder.

The suitability ranker appears on the roster and appointments whenever the shift or appointment dialog is opened. Users that are given a higher percentage are deemed more suitable than those with lower percentages. While those with a 0% rating are considered unsuitable.

The suitability ranker helps make informed decisions when rostering. It should be considered when assigning shifts or appointments but the roster manager may at times ignore the percentages provided and assign shifts to users with lower suitability depending on the situation.


2) How it works

The suitability ranker has a number of factors that it considers when assigning a percentage. These include rules that have been set at organisation, role, award and user level and other factors. Due to this the suitability percentage can vary between users and days.

It is important to remember that the metrics used in suitability calculations are not equal to a specific percentage value (a single rule does not equate to a certain percentage). Instead, percentages are assigned after all factors have been considered and an overall percentage is assigned.

Whenever a 0% suitability appears, it means a user does not meet the minimum standard for a shift or appointment and it is anticipated that they will be unable to complete the assignment. Reasons for this include but are not limited to; the user being scheduled for leave or is unavailable, the shift or appointment would cause the user to violate a rule relating to their maximum hours or maximum shifts.


3) The suitability ranker and roster shifts

When the system provides a reason for the suitability percentage this may not include all reasons why a user has this percentage. When a user hits a metric that makes them unsuitable, the system will provide the first reason the user is unsuitable.

The following factors are included in suitability calculations for roster shifts. 

  • User's pay rate
  • Does the user already have a roster shift
  • Has the user been assigned to the appropriate role
  • Are any abilities required to work the shift
  • Is the user available or on leave
  • Has the user breached any of their minimum/maximum rules
  • Has the user had the required number of days off in the period
  • Has the user reached or breached their standard hours
  • Is there a gender restriction for a custom entity assigned to the shift or the role of the shift
  • The linked appointments particulars.
  • Even distribution of shifts across multiple users.


i) Roster suitability metrics


4) The suitability ranker and appointments

The suitability ranker for appointments functions according to the same principles as the suitability ranker on the roster. A key difference is the number of additional considerations that are made for appointments. The following factors are also included in suitability calculations for appointments.

  • Will the appointment cause a shift to extend
  • Does an appointment already exist
  • Has the user been assigned to the appropriate role
  • Are any abilities required to work the appointment
  • The cost of the appointment
  • Profit that can be made from the appointment
  • The net difference between profit and cost
  • Does the user already have a shift or will a new shift be created for the appointment.
  • Distance of the user from the appointment
  • Is the user considered a preferred user for the appointment
  • Is there a gender restriction for the client


i) Appointment suitability metrics

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