Award | Introduction

1) Overview
2) Access the award



Award | Interpretation Periods


1) Overview

Awards (modern awards) are legal documents that outline the minimum pay rates and conditions of employment. In Australia, there are more than 100 industry or occupation awards that cover most of the Australian workforce. An employer can be covered by more than one award depending on the jobs the employees do.

Easy Employer allows employees with the appropriate permissions settings, to review, change, or update the organisation's award(s).


2) Access the award

Follow the instructions below to access the award:

  1. Click Organisation.
  2. Click Awards.
  3. Click on the award name to select it.
  4. The Edit award page is displayed. Set up, change or update the award here.
  5. Scroll down the screen to the different sections.
  6. Click add, edit, manage or actions (three dots icon at the end of each row), to make changes / update the award.
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