Award | Public Holiday Region

1) Public holiday regions
2) Configure public holiday regions



Award | Public holiday configuration


1) Public holiday regions

This feature is used to ensure public holidays are paid correctly to users that work across multiple sites that have different public holidays available. In this case an additional feature can be activated in the Easy Employer (EE) account to apply public holidays at the site in which a user's home role is set. This feature allows for flexibility when handling public holidays within EE. The information will be reflected in the payroll report, timesheets and roster cost projections. This can assist with accurately managing costs within the organisation and assist managers to better cater to their rostering needs.


2) Configure public holiday regions

Public holiday regions need to be activated in EE by a system administrator. To enable this feature please contact the Easy Employer Support Team on 1300 855 642 or email

This feature can be enabled in 2 ways. In a blanket application across all users in an award pay group or against specific users applied directly to each individual.


i) Applying to a base award pay group

  1. Click Organisation.
  2. Click Awards.
  3. Select the award.
  4. Find the Base award pay groups section and select the pay group (e.g. Casual).
  5. Click Edit Award Pay Group.
  6. Tick the box for Use employee's home site to generate public holiday shifts.
  7. Scroll to the bottom of the page and click Save and update.


ii) Apply to a user

  1. Click Organisation.
  2. Click Users.
  3. Select the user by clicking on their name or surname.
  4. Select Payroll on the sidebar.
  5. Click Change in the User award section.
  6. Under the Award particulars section, tick Override awards particulars to be able to edit it.
  7. Tick Use employee's home site to interpret public holiday shifts to enable it.
  8. Click Save.
  9. Select the period that the changes should be applied from.
  10. Click Save.
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