1) Overview
2) Award trigger sections
i) Trigger name and type
ii) Scoping
iii) Targets
iv) Criteria
v) Outcome
3) Add an award trigger
4) Maintain award triggers
i) Edit an award trigger
ii) Delete an award trigger
1) Overview
The Award triggers section has been added to Easy Employer to replace the Allowance section in the award. This provides a location in an award to add a number of triggers. These include; Per Hour, Per Shift, Per Broken Shift, Per Day, Per Week, Per Pay, Unit, Code, and Interpretation Period.
The effect on the award will depend on the configuration of the Award Trigger.
NOTE: Award Triggers are not enabled by default, and some account preparation is required before this feature can be enabled.
Please contact the Easy Employer Support Team for more information.
2) Award trigger sections
Award triggers have several sections that need to be completed when creating or editing one. Make sure you pay close attention to the selections you make on each of these sections.
Each of the Award triggers sections are examined in detail below (click Sections to expand it).
i) Trigger name and type
- Trigger name - The name of this award trigger
- Export code - The export code linked to this award trigger.
- Trigger type - There are a number of trigger types available for selection.
- Per Hour - Select if this trigger should apply to each hour when activated.
- Per Shift - Select if this trigger should apply to a whole shift when activated .
- Per Day - Select of this trigger should apply only once per day when activated.
- Per Week - Select if this trigger should apply only once per week when activated.
- Per Pay - Select if this trigger should apply only once per pay period when activated.
- Unit - Select of this trigger should apply a certain value per unit entered on a shift.
- Code - Select if this trigger should apply whenever a specific code is used in a pay period .
- Interpretation Period - Select if this trigger should apply when a specific interpretation period is used.
ii) Scoping
- Award - Select the award/s where this trigger should be applied
- Pay groups - Select (tick) the base award pay groups where the trigger should apply.
iii) Targets
- Shift types - Select (tick) the shift types that will be affected by this trigger
- Limit to roles - Select (tick) the roles that can have this trigger apply. This is an optional step, not selecting any roles will apply to all roles
- Excluded roles - Select (tick) the roles that should never have this trigger apply. This is an optional step, roles do not need to be excluded.
iv) Criteria
- Included interpretation periods - Select (tick) interpretation periods to trigger on
- Excluded interpretation periods - Select (tick) interpretation periods to not trigger
- Shift trigger type - That part of a shift that the trigger applies. Options include;
- Whole shift
- Standard hours
- Multiple shifts
- Overtime
- Minimum paid shift duration - The minimum paid shift duration required (in hours) to trigger the allowance. The value set here is inclusive, a value of 4 would be applied as 4.01 (meaning the shift would need to be over 4 hours in duration)
- Maximum paid shift duration - The maximum paid shift duration required (in hours) to trigger the allowance. The value set here is inclusive, a value of 4 would be applied as 4.01 (meaning the shift would need to be 4 hours or less in duration)
- Minimum time between shifts - The minimum time required (in hours) from the previous shift in order to include the shift towards trigger calculation. Leave blank for no restriction
- Minimum time between shifts threshold - The threshold (in minutes) for applying the minimum time between shift rule
- Require previous shift - If a previous shift is required to trigger. To be used in conjunction with "Minimum time between shifts" for a split shift allowance
- Previous day - Shift is required on the previous day to trigger
- Same day - Shift is required on the same day to trigger
- Maximum time between shifts - The maximum time required (in hours) from the previous shift in order to include the shift towards allowance calculation. Leave blank for no restriction
- Only apply if no break - Tick box to enable. If enabled, the trigger will only apply if there are no breaks on the actual shift
- Minimum daily hours - Value set in hours. Minimum daily hours required to apply the trigger. The value set here is inclusive, a value of 10 would be applied as 10.01 (meaning the shift would need to be over 10 hours in duration)
- Days - Select (tick) the days to which the trigger should be applied
- Public holiday days - The days to apply the trigger if a public holiday occurs. Excluded days on which public holidays occur, will not activate the trigger
- Day determination - Used in conjunction with the following section "Times". Which of the following options should the trigger apply
- Start of the shift
- As each hour falls
- End of the shift
- Times - Options include "Any time" and various custom options. If using custom options, consult the notes located below this option.
v) Outcome
- Outcome - Select if the outcome should be linked to a code or interpretation period
- Code to apply / Interpretation period to apply - Select the code/interpretation period to apply when triggered
- Duration type - Select the duration type from the table
- Whole shift - Apply to the whole shift
- Part of shift - Apply to part of the shift
- Hours on day of shift start only -
- Hours on day of shift end only -
- Hours type - The part of the shift to apply the trigger outcome.
- Whole shift / part
- Standard hours only
- Units - The number of units that should be counted per trigger
- Minimum quantity - The minimum number of units to be apply for this trigger
- Maximum quantity - The maximum number of units to apply for this trigger
- Per - The period to apply the maximum quantity
- Week - Apply to the week
- Pay period - Apply to the pay period
- Skip role overrides - Tick box to enable. If enabled, the trigger outcome will not apply to roles where a role override is in use
- Restrict required hours - Tick box to enable. If enabled, the system will check to make sure that the trigger does not conflict with day restrictions
- Nullify worked hours - Tick box to enable. If enabled, all associated worked hours will be moved to a "nullified" category. This will only leave the trigger outcome to be applied
- Apply to all shifts that start or finish within X minutes of the triggered shift - Only applicable to hour or shift trigger types.
3) Add an award trigger
- Click Organisation.
- Click Awards.
- Select the award.
- Scroll down to the Award triggers section.
- Click Add.
- Input all the required details for the different sections.
- Click Save to add the award trigger.
4) Maintain award triggers
Once an Award Trigger has been added to an award, it will appear in the Award triggers section.
Award triggers can be updated when necessary. You can edit or delete an award trigger at any time.
i) Edit an award trigger
To edit an award trigger, find the Award triggers section as described above. Once there:
- Locate the award trigger you'd like to edit.
- At the end of the row of the award trigger, click edit.
- In the Manage award triggers pop up window, make the required changes to the relevant sections.
- Once all changes have been applied, click Save.
ii) Delete an award trigger
To delete an award trigger, find the Award triggers section as described above. Once there:
- Locate the award trigger you'd like to delete.
- At the end of the row of the award trigger, click delete.
- In the pop up window, confirm the action by clicking Yes.
- Once deleted, award triggers cannot be restored and would need to be recreated manually.
5) Demonstration
i) Adding a unit allowance
ii) Adding a daily allowance