Rosters | Live Roster

1) Overview
2) The live roster



Rosters | Create a New Roster


1) Overview

The live roster is a feature that shows updates on the roster while users are working on it simultaneously. This feature has been designed to allow managers to create or modify the roster and roster shifts at the same time while being made aware of changes other managers may make. This is particularly useful if employees work across multiple sites or locations.


NOTE: This feature is not on by default in Easy Employer. To enable this feature please contact our support team at


2) The live roster

The live roster simply updates as users are working on rosters displaying the newly created or moved shifts on the roster. The live roster will not draw attention to these changes, instead it will display the changes as they occur.

In the example below an employee has marked themselves as available for a shift and Easy Employer is notifying the manager.

In the next example a change to the organisation has been made. This change could be a new role that has been added to the organisation structure. In cases like this, users just have to click the clickable text 'here' to reload the page.

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