Rosters | Communication Notes

1) Overview
2) Set up roster communication notes



Article | External communications


1) Overview

With Easy Employer your organisation can set up notes at the roster publishing level (site/client) that can be communicated out to employees within any roster notification. Examples of these notifications are:

  • Roster shift communication - publishing, shift changes
  • Shift reminders
  • Request to user to fill an open shift
  • Request to user to accept a shift swap
  • Notice to a user that they successfully opened a shift

Roster notes can be used to share or remind employees of important information about their shift.


2) Set up roster communication notes

Communication notes are set on the roster publishing level in your organisation group structure. The publishing level could be a site or client depending on your configuration.

In this example we will be setting a roster communication note for the main call centre to remind employees where to park.

  1. Click Organisation.
  2. Click Organisation Structure.
  3. Click the roster publishing level (e.g., Site).
  4. Click Settings on the sidebar.
  5. On Roster notes field, click edit.
  6. Enter the note.
  7. Click save.




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