Rosters | Labour Costs

1) Overview
2) Access the roster labour costs



Permissions | The Permission System


1) Overview

The costs for each shift, week, fortnight or day can be viewed when creating a roster.

These costings provide insights about the cost of each shift based on a user's pay conditions. Whilst providing totals at the end of each day, week and fortnight (if applicable).

Any changes made to the roster will cause the cost totals to update.

With the availability of the cost projections on a roster organisations can impose restrictions that do not allow users to publish a roster if they exceed a predetermined budget.


2) Access the roster labour costs

The roster labour costs can be accessed by any user who has the correct permission level to view a user's pay conditions. The review of permissions are available (refer to the guide in the RELATED ARTICLES section).


NOTE: Unassigned shifts will have no cost, as they have not been applied to an employee's pay conditions.


Labour costs are displayed by default in the rosters, and they appear:

  1. In rostered shifts:
    • Day:
    • Week:
    • Fortnight:
  2. At the end of each:
    • Day:
    • Week:
    • Fortnight:
  3. As a total in the bottom right of the screen:

Roster labour costs can be hidden by following these steps:

  1. Open the roster (Scheduling > Rosters, or Quick Links > Open current roster).
  2. In the Choose Sites dialog, click Hide Financial Details.

If you chose to hide the financial details upon opening the roster, the financial details can be viewed again by following these steps:

  1. Click Display toggles (magnifying glass icon).
  2. Tick the Award Info and Labour Costs display toggles.
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