Rosters | Standard Hours Display

1) Overview
2) Set the display within the roster
3) Set the suitability rule for standard hours breaches



System | Rules : Roster


1) Overview

The standard hours display within the roster allows those with the permission to manage rosters (permissions include: manager, administrator or owner) to see the contracted hours of users. The standard hours display will also reveal if a users roster and leave hours fulfil the standard weekly or fortnightly hours for the user.


NOTE: This feature is not enabled by default. Your internal Easy Employer organisation owner can contact to have this enabled.


In the image below, the standard hours are shown on the right in the total column. This column will appear in either week or fortnight views on the roster. When using the fortnight view a grand total will also be displayed.


This information is also available in the suitability ranker when managing or creating a roster shift. In the following image this is displayed under the 'Std hrs' column.


A rule can be enabled to make a user 0% suitable if they are going over their contracted hours (default Yes):


Some award or agreements will enforce that the user needs to be paid for their standard or contracted hours independent of the hours in the roster or timesheet.

This feature will bring to the roster managers attention that the standard hours have not been reached.


2) Set the display within the roster

Once the module is enabled by the Easy Employer support team, (a request must be made by your internal Easy Employer organisation owner) the display settings need to be enabled:

3) Set the suitability rule for standard hours breaches

The rule can be set at the organisation level or the user level. This rule is set to Yes by default. Refer to the guide in the RELATED ARTICLES section for more information.

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