1) Overview
2) SMS & Email roster communication customisation
System | SMS Credits, Pricing & Character Length
1) Overview
Easy Employer (EE) gives managers the ability to send external roster notices to employees in their organisation via emails, or text messages (SMS) directly to the employee's mobile phone. Examples of these communications are rostered shifts, changed shifts, and removed shifts.
Text messages offer immediacy and are a highly effective way to communicate important roster information to employees. The text message service provided in EE has a cost associated to it.
If at any point the system fails to send text messages, users are advised to check that they have enough credit to send messages, and purchase additional credits if required. Charges only apply for outgoing SMS messages. Incoming SMS messages (e.g. from roster replies) are not charged.
Please check with the relevant person in your own organisation before utilising this feature, as not all organisations wish to make use of it. To use SMS communication from the system, SMS credits need to be purchased.
NOTE: Only Organisation-level Owners are able to make SMS purchases.
Emails on the other hand can be somewhat less direct, but they incur no cost.
2) SMS & Email roster communication customisation
EE provides a standard set of roster related messages that can be customised to satisfy your organisation's needs.
To customise your roster messages:
- Click Organisation.
- Click Settings.
- Select Communication, and click on either of the communication methods to expand the customisation options.
i) Roster SMS Customisation
The Roster SMS Customisation has three sections: Display, Format and Preview. Display and Format contain the customisable options of the message, while Preview displays how the final message looks like.
The system is initially set up with a default set of options for Display and Format. Click edit on any of the options to make changes. As you add or remove options, the preview gets updated in real-time.
The Display section works with a straightforward Yes/No system.
Ticking the box = Yes, unticking it = No. Once your selection has been completed click save to make the changes permanent.
The Format section requires you to use a more technical language for the different options.
Clicking edit gives you a dialog box with the different available values. Type your selection (in between curly brackets, e.g., {organisation}) in the text area under Format string at the bottom of the dialog box. You can check the result of your input is correct by looking at the Output right under the text box.
ii) Roster Email Customisation
The Roster Email Customisation has three options that can be customised by clicking edit, and it works in the same way as the Display section of the Roster SMS Customisation described above.