1) Overview
2) Identifying expired ability indicators in the roster
Ability | Configuring Ability Reminders + Pay Update Reminders
1) Overview
The roster interface indicates if an ability has expired, alerting you to the fact that the employee may not be suitable to work a particular shift.
Some abilities are a requirement to perform certain tasks or workplace duties. Tracking these abilities can help to prevent inappropriate staff from being rostered to fulfil these shifts.
2) Identify expired ability indicators in the roster
- The suitability ranker will show an exclamation warning icon (over the information icon) in the manage shift dialogue box if an ability has expired.
- Hovering over the information icon will show the users information and the red indicates which ability has expired.
- Hovering over the red ability will show the ability name and when it expired.
- Abilities are also visible on the roster underneath a users name (this is controlled using the display toggles).
- Hovering over the red ability will show the ability name and when it expired.