1) Overview
2) Link abilities to custom entities
i) How to use the 'AND / OR' logic when linking abilities to custom entities
3) Custom entities and abilities on the roster
Ability | Add / Renew User Abilities
Ability | Link Abilities to Roles
1) Overview
By linking abilities to custom entities in Easy Employer users can make certain skills or qualifications preferred or required to work a shift with a specific custom entity type (typically clients). This means that if a user does not possess the ability they will be given a lower rank in the suitability ranker or if the ability is required users will be prevented from being assigned that shift. These can be set against specific custom entity types (clients) as an ability that might make a user unsuitable for one custom entity (client) might not be required for another.
Some industries have a requirement for users to possess a specific qualification to work with certain clients. Many of these qualifications have an expiry date attached (such as first aid or CPR). If (or) when these qualifications expire the employee should no longer be eligible for the shift with the particular custom entity attached.
NOTE: This feature is not active in all Easy Employer accounts. If you require this feature please contact our support team at support@easyemployer.com
2) Link abilities to custom entities
i) How to use the 'AND / OR' logic when linking abilities to custom entities
There are circumstances where an ability (e.g. skill or qualification) could be satisfied by more than one ability in Easy Employer. The 'AND / OR' logic allows you to group abilities together, meaning that one (or more) ability can satisfy a custom entities requirements.
In the below example we will configure a 'client' (custom entity) who requires an employee (user) who is 'first aid trained'. In the example provided these abilities satisfy this requirement:
- First Aid
- First Aid with CPR
- Configure your custom entity with all the abilities which could satisfy the requirement.
- For each linked ability click 'edit' and configure a 'grouping code' for the ability.
- Ensure (where applicable) that the abilities linked are configured 'as required'.
In this example the abilities are considered 'OR' so the grouping code we configure is the same value. - For this custom entity, either the ability 'First Aid' OR the ability 'First Aid with CPR' will satisfy the abilities requirement for a rostered shift with this custom entity configured.
3) Custom entities and abilities on the roster
Once the custom entities have been linked to an ability they will function differently on the roster.
When creating a shift and adding a custom entity (e.g. client) that has been linked to an ability, the list of 'suitable users' will decrease.
Any user that is eligible for the role but does not have the required ability / abilities will be ranked at 0%.