1) Overview
2) Create a reminder for an ability
3) Edit a reminder for an ability
4) Delete a reminder for an ability
5) Create a pay update reminder for an ability
Ability | Expiration Indicators in Rosters
1) Overview
Ability reminders are useful in situations when an ability (certificate, qualification, skill, etc.) has a set expiration date. Ability reminders can notify you (or the employee user) of the expiration of the ability, which can trigger the necessary review works (e.g. renewal).
Pay update reminders (otherwise known as "link to pay") appears when creating or editing an ability within easyemployer. The feature allows you to link abilities to a reminder in the payroll report should the ability expire. An organisation may be required to pay a user with a specific ability more as it is considered valuable. This reminder can then trigger the necessary review works (e.g. update payroll application or Easy Employer award configuration).
2) Create a reminder for an ability
- Click Organisation.
- Click Abilities.
- Hover over the ability to show the options button.
- Click the options button to expand it.
- Click Reminders.
- The Reminders tab will now be displayed for the selected ability.
- Click on the Add reminder button found in the top right corner.
- The Add reminder dialogue will now be displayed.
- Manager only reminder - a manager reminder will be shown on the home page as a to do item.
- Employee only reminder - an employee reminder will be shown on the home page as a to do item.
- Add a reminder time frame (e.g. a value then days/weeks/months before ability expires)
- Click Add reminder. The reminder is now added, you can have multiple reminders for the 1x ability (e.g. an employee reminder 4 weeks before the ability expires, and a manager reminder 1 week before the ability expires).
3) Edit a reminder for an ability
- Open the Reminders tab for your chosen ability.
- Hover over the reminder and click the options button then click Edit.
- The Edit reminder dialogue will be displayed.
- Edit your reminder configuration.
- Click Edit reminder. The reminder is now edited and updated.
4) Delete a reminder for an ability
- Open the Reminders tab for your chosen ability.
- Hover over the reminder and click the options button then click Delete.
Important: The reminder gets deleted immediately. The system does not require confirmation of this action and it cannot be undone.
5) Create a pay update reminder for an ability
- Click Organisation.
- Click Abilities.
- Click to open an ability, the settings page will open by default.
- Check the Edit Ability icon.
- Then tick the Linked to Pay check-box and save the changes.
- The payroll report will now show a warning which will need to be accepted before they pay run can be exported. When you accept this warning you need to manually go and adjust the users pay conditions should they need to change.