1) Overview
2) Timesheet functions
i) View your timesheet
ii) Confirm your timesheet shifts
iii) Review timesheet data & add a message
1) Overview
The timesheets tab of the mobile application allows users to review shift details, add a shift message and confirm their shifts.
If a user needs to confirm their shift, add a shift message or review a shifts details this can be done directly through the application. This reduces the need for a user to login to Easy Employer (EE) through the web portal and should save time.
2) Timesheet functions
i) View your timesheet
- Login to the EE mobile app with your existing credentials.
- Tap Timesheets.
- Tap the timesheet period that needs to be shown.
- From here you can see a list of all your timesheet entries for the period selected.
ii) Confirm timesheet shifts
- With your timesheet period open; tap the shift that needs to be confirmed. This will expand the shift options where CONFIRM is an option which can be selected.
- By tapping the CONFIRM button; a blue line will appear on the right side of the box (acknowledging your confirmation). Once selected the confirm button will disappear.
iii) Review timesheet data & add a message
- With your timesheet period open; tap the shift that you want to see more detail on. This will expand the shift options where DETAILS is an option which can be selected.
- Tapping the details button will display a screen that outlines information regarding a shift.
- Tapping the Message section will allow you to add a message to your timesheet shift.
- After tapping Message, tap the box to make the phones keyboard appear and enter a message (if required). Tap Ok button to save.