Users | Add New Users (Employees)

1) Overview
2) Create new users
3) Update / edit user information
4) Create new users in bulk



Users | Import / Update Users In Bulk
Notices | New Users


1) Overview

Use this feature to add users into Easy Employer during initial configuration, and to add new employees that start working for your company after the initial configuration has been completed.

This feature creates a user account in Easy Employer for an employee. Creating user accounts allow you to grant online access for employees, roster shifts, update availability, etc.


Precautions to take when adding new users

Before adding a user into the system, we recommend ensuring the user is not already created, with an inactive or terminated state.

If a duplicate user is created and the email address is the same, you will not be able to re-use this email address on the new profile. The new profile must be deleted and the existing profile re-activated. Do not create a duplicate user.

Disclaimer: Group-level managers are required to assign an area or role when creating a user. This is to ensure that the new user is within their control once they have been created in the organisation.


2) Create new users

  1. Click Organisation.
  2. Click Users.
  3. Click Create user.
  4. The Create user window pops up.
  5. In the Details section:
    1. Enter given names and surname (mandatory fields).
    2. Enter an Email address.
    3. Tick Email correspondence to enable sending the user notifications and other communications through email
      (a valid Email address is required).
    4. Enter a mobile number.
    5. Tick SMS correspondence to enable sending the user notifications and other communications through SMS (an active mobile number is required).
    6. Tick Online access* to give the new user access to their account online
      (a valid Email address is required).
      *The option to grant online access is only available to users with Organisation level permissions.
    7. Add Comments or General notes if required.
  6. In the Groups section:
    1. Click Load Groups to load the Areas/Roles group tree.
    2. Click the relevant Payroll Entity to add roles to the user (if required).
    3. Click sites/areas, to expand them and reveal the roles.
    4. Select the role(s) applicable for the user; in the same or different sites.
  7. Click Create user to finish adding this new user; or,
    click Create + add another to finish adding this new user and then proceed to add another one.

3) Update / edit user information

  1. Click Organisation.
  2. Click Users.
  3. Select the user.
  4. Update any of the available options on the sidebar. Add, edit or delete user information as required.


4) Create new users in bulk

You can upload multiple users at once through the standard file import system.

  1. Click Organisation.
  2. Click Users.
  3. Click Import users.
  4. Source Application would be selected automatically (if not select easyemployer Standard Format).
  5. Click Choose file.
  6. Locate your file, select it and click Open.
  7. Click Next.


NOTE: Bulk user import can be useful when creating users as part of the initial system set up, or to configure multiple users at once with the most up-to-date and accurate information. Refer to the RELATED ARTICLES section for more details.

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