Users | Online Access

1) Overview
2) Enable online access for individual users
3) Enable / disable online access for multiple users (bulk user access)
4) Resend online access for individual users
5) Disable online access



Permissions | The Permission System
Employee Guide | Online Account Access


1) Overview

Enabling online access allows a user to access the website. Depending on the permission level assigned to the user, they will be able to access different functions in the system. Refer to the RELATED ARTICLES section for more information on the various permissions levels inside of Easy Employer.

Online access can be granted as soon as the User is added to Easy Employer or at any other stage whilst using Easy Employer.


2) Enable online access for individual users

  1. Click Organisation.
  2. Click Users.
  3. Click on the specific user.
  4. Click Settings.
  5. Under Online account access, click Send online access invitation.
  6. Confirmation of this action is required.
    Click Yes to enable online account access.


Once the access is enabled, the user will receive an email to sign up to an online account (refer to the RELATED ARTICLES section for a sign up process guide).



  • If the user doesn't have a valid email address set in their profile, the option to allow online account access will not appear.
  • If you need to add an email, click Details on the sidebar (above Settings), and add a valid email address before enabling online access.


2) Resend online access for individual users

  1. Click Organisation.
  2. Click Users.
  3. Select the user.
  4. Click Settings.
  5. Click Resend online access invitation.
  6. The system automatically sends an email with access details.


3) Disable online access for individual users

  1. Click Organisation.
  2. Click Users.
  3. Select the user.
  4. Click Settings.
  5. On the Online account access section, untick the box.
  6. Confirmation of this action is required.
    Click Yes to disable online account access.


4) Enable / disable online access for multiple users (bulk user access)

  1. Click Organisation.
  2. Click Users.
  3. Click Bulk user access.
  4. Under Online Account Access, tick / untick online access for the different users.
  5. Click Save.
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